Patrick Timpone

Lawrence B. Palevsky, MD

Healing the Whole Child. Naturally.

Dr. Palevsky is a renowned board certified pediatrician, sought-after lecturer, and published author, who utilizes a holistic approach to children’s wellness and illness.

In using his “whole child” wellness philosophy, Dr. Palevsky recommends and incorporates the teachings and therapies of nutritional science, acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, chiropractic, osteopathy, cranial-sacral therapy, environmental medicine, homeopathy, and essential oils, along with natural healing modalities such as aromatherapy, yoga, Reiki, meditation, reflexology, and mindfulness.

Dr. Palevsky values the role(s) illness may play in children’s lives and supports the use of safe, non-suppressive treatments to assist them in their healing. He is a strong advocate for the education and empowerment of families. Dr. Palevsky strives to help parents access their knowledge and strengthen their confidences through their own experiences and intuition, thus supporting the idea that parents are the primary care providers for their children. Parents deserve to have access to a healing model of health care that reduces the use of ineffective and harmful drug treatments, and empowers them to build healthy, vibrant bodies and spirits in themselves and in their children.

If you have children or know of others who do, please listen to this show and share it. If you visit his website, poke around and find how to sign up for his Holistic Child Newsletter which is jam packed with wonderful information every month.

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dr lawrence pavlesky, the whole child, august 9, 2012

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