Amandha Vollmer

Medicine Woman and Truth Sayer

Amandha Vollmer is an eclectic practitioner of over 20 years, trained in Naturopathic Medicine, Veterinary Homeopathy & make all-natural remedies with the wisdom of nature.

What has Amandha learned most in the last 18 months?

The special challenges of living in Canada.

Is the jabberwocky worse than originally thought?

Will they step on the gas this winter because they think they’re losing control?

A crisis of intelligence.

Could a child deal easier with this than an adult?  The injection for children has an anti-heart attack ingredient.

It’s beyond the cull, with an A.I. aspect.  They feed off all negative emotions.

Has David Icke been right all these years?

Amandha’s website is educational. has products.  Her Telegram links are available from her videos.

What are the effects of being around someone that’s been jabbed?

Are fermented foods essential and vital?  Fermenting Fairy has been her guest.

Worse foods for the gut?  If it has a commercial attached to it, don’t eat it.

Focus on a good percentage of your diet as living.

Fermented foods and magnesium are good for gut action.  Magnesium is essential for thousand of reactions in the body.

No virus has ever been isolated.

They need to reset on the amount of debt.  Crypto is keeping things stable. 

Disease caused by bad thoughts and taking in poisons.  Amandha likes coffee enemas, once a week at least.  Put garlic in the coffee.  Saunas and movement are good.  Stretching out is important.

What would make a person pee a lot?

Aging your urine to make your own stem cells.

The geometry doesn’t work unless the earth is flat.

'Amandha Vollmer – The Culling Has Begun and It’s Coming with A Twist – November 11, 2021' have 3 comments

  1. November 18, 2021 @ 12:39 am Jim

    National governments take their marching orders from non elected people. Politicians are all selected puppets to their puppet masters in the global cult.,

    Politicians are NOTHING!!!!!


  2. November 18, 2021 @ 2:27 am Jennifer

    ‘Anti heart attack’ in jab for kids; why?
    I searched heart attack causes: anger, infection, air pollution, extreme weather, drugs.
    Jeez; this is the new world?


    • November 18, 2021 @ 1:48 pm Suzy

      I posted article about the anti heart attack med added to the quackzines for children on Faceplant.
      I received a notice saying it was false information, checked by “independent” (my ass) fact checkers from AUSTRALIA, of all places…what would they know? They claim that it’s added as a preservative, not to try and mitigate the risk of heart attack. We are living in a freaking clown show!!!!!


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