Darko Velcek

Heal Yourself

From the time that we opened our eyes in this creation we are told what to do, how to behave, what to learn and what to believe. One thing that we are not taught is how to think. As soon as we think, questions start to appear and we are not supposed to question the “truth”. All what we need is provided to us by our creator. Our fear deprives us of energy. Since the energy is electricity and electro-magnetism we can aid ourselves by utilizing the miraculous instruments of Dr. Robert Beck. Since we live in time of rapid evolution new technologies are becoming available but the most important thing is the understanding of self healing capabilities that we all possess. They are imbedded in our genes and all that we need is to understand it and help the cells of our body to do their job.

Veterinarians are the best educated health professionals.

Resonance in food, the voltage, the sacred geometry is what we absorb

Plasma is the Key ingredient in the body and we get plasma with structured water and sea salt.

The best salt is unprocessed and unheated sun dried sea salt

One can also use ocean water to get minerals in and structure the water.

A micro dose homeopathy of urine, a drop, is the best first thing in the morning

Germs do not exist … bacteria.. fungus and parasites are all produced in the body to clean things up.

Starches are the biggest issues with modern diet.. indigestible  starches and fiber

Vegetables are cellulose and can not be digested properly

As we we in appropriate food for our species the body creates microbes to deal with the  food we don’t need and messes thing up.

Animal fats, raw.. butter; milk;eggs are the ideal fats

Spices are medicine and should not be used as a condiment for foods

Humans are omnivores

The immune system model as sold across earth is simply not true

Part one

Part Two

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