Dr. R. Geoffrey Broderick DVM

What about all the vaccines they want to give your pets?

Dr. R. Geoffrey Broderick, the creator of Super-food and Phyto-food for pets, is in his 42nd year as a practicing veterinarian in Huntington, Long Island New York.
He began the natural pet food movement in America by creating products that are free of chemical additives, artificial colors, flavors, sugars and MSG. “Doc” declared the commencement of this movement at the Health & Nutrition Expo at Madison Square Garden in New York City in the early 70’s.

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Dr. R. Geoffrey Broderick, DVM, has been a veterinarian for over 50 years, and has been answering questions from all over the world on an ongoing basis “Talking to people is my pleasure. It’s what I was born to do,”

He’s the creator of Cornucopia Pet Food and the author of  “Compassion for Pets” (2016), a book that tells you how to properly feed your dog or cat and “uncovers the dirty secrets of the commercial pet food industry.”

Many people are calling him up saying that they’ve already spent $30-40 thousand on vet bills, getting nowhere, Their pets are dying from cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

Is diabetes reversible? What about cancer?

“The veterinarian never asks you what you feed your pet. Only one out of twelve does,” says Dr. Broderick.

Dr. Broderick is a protégé of Russell Fry, who designed the first course in animal nutrition in veterinarian medical school.

Why are carbohydrates in almost every brand of pet food? “Nobody’s has ever seen a dog in a wheat field.”

“There are 3 million doctors in the world, and only one makes foods,” according to Dr. Broderick.

You can’t “pharmaceutical” your way out of a disease. Nutrition is the only way to have a healthy pet.

“Every single solitary thing in my food is organic,” guarantees Dr. Broderick. “Why would we give our pets food what we ourselves would never eat?”

Dr. Broderick’s dog, Bambi, is autistic because he vaccinated her. He didn’t know any better at the time. He holds Bambi up for us to see.

“If you’re on Cornucopia there are no more veterinarian bills,” affirms Dr. Broderick “The doctors who do studies on pet food are the same ones who work for the pet food companies. It’s the blind leading the blind.”

“Is that what a double blind study is about?”, quips Patrick.

Can pets digest carbohydrates? How well do they do with fat?

Carrageenan is used as a binder in commercial pet foods, but not in Cornucopia. Why is carrageenan so hazardous to your pet’s health?

Are dead animals added to pet food? One thing for certain, you won’t find any of them in Cornucopia!

Jackie asks, “What should you do if your vet recommends vaccination for your pet?”

Are vaccinations detrimental to your pet’s immune system as they are for humans?

Is a rabies vaccine required by law? Can the effects of this vaccine be reduced?

Can vaccines be diluted?

How long should a healthy cat and dog live?

Dr. Geoffrey Broderick DVM, bad food is the cause of all problems in dogs and cats, April 28, 2021

'Dr. R. Geoffrey Broderick DVM – What About All the Vaccines They Want to Give Your Pets? – April 28, 2021' has no comments

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