Patrick Timpone

A Clear Easily Understandable Pathway of How the Body Heals. The Cure is in the Cause.

Look and See to grow spiritually.  See something for what it is.

Seems they’re taking the velvet glove off and pressing harder.

Take more time going within rather than looking out.

Inflation now worse than in the 1970s.  Dollars buy much less.  Gold maintains buying power.

Tension is the cause of disease.

Spiritual growth brings more awareness. 

Healing come from an awareness of how we created our diseases.  Release through knowing how we created it.

After trauma, the body tries to correct the damage.  German New Medicine explains why certain symptoms occur.

Listener disagrees with merits of carnivore diet.

Dr. Zoe Harcombe says research shows no benefit to eating fiber. 

How much land is on the other side of the Antarctica ice wall?  Why can’t we go there?

What we’re told is built on lies. 

Remember way back when we were told Russia would nuke us any day? 

Former Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard says the Democrats are elitist, woke, anti-white, and fascist. 

Andrew Gause said fascists do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

Bridgette in Florida called.  Busy being a garden hoe.  Enjoying being in the moment.  Following carnivore diet, eating less, free of cravings now.  Merits of roasting our own coffee beans. 

Building muscle with X3 bands.  Weightlifting is a waste of time.  So is cardio.  Burst exercise best.

What are the true numbers of the people who have been injured and killed by the jab?  Is something really good going to happen to get us out of the mess we’re in? 

Clip of interview of Joe Rogan/Tulsi Gabbard, playing the PSA shown in NY directing people to stay inside after a nuclear radiation hit.

Gods of the New Millenium book.  The human species is very special in knowing that we know.

Body worker listener reports her clients experiencing many symptoms from the jab.

Children reported with idiopathic arthritis and scoliosis after the jab.  What can be done?

Stinking thinking, toxins, EMF, and improper nutrients are causing disease. 

It’s the food we stopped eating that may be responsible for the benefits reported from the carnivore diet.

Coaching with Patrick – “Patrick In Your Pocket”.

Patrick One

Patrick Two

'Jab Injuries, Causes of Disease, Carnivore Diet, Fiber, the Antarctic Ice Wall & More | October 12, 2022' have 2 comments

  1. October 13, 2022 @ 10:33 am Nancy

    Hope Part 2 will have a download option soon


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