Jack Graham

Blood Money: The Civil War and the Federal Reserve

In this scholarly work of a heretofore neglected aspect of America’s costliest conflict, Jack Graham’s findings on the real reason for the War Between the States will challenge conventional thought. Not for the delicate sensibilities of the politically correct, Mr. Graham’s conclusions will disturb some and infuriate others, but students of the war with the guts and gumption to peruse it will be amply rewarded. Exhaustively researched, lavishly footnoted, meticulously examined, impeccably analyzed, astonishing in conclusion, Graham’s obvious gift of analysis will impress the reader and his conclusions will astound even the most dedicated students of the so-called Civil War. Intellectual in style, yet fluid and highly readable, the evidence Graham brings into the court of public opinion is irrefutable and demands a verdict. A remarkable tour de force!

Show highlights:

How the divisive antagonisms between the North and South, finally erupting in the spring of 1861, were deliberately agitated by great international banking houses with the goal of provoking secession. According to Graham, these private interests fully succeeded and set up a huge financial empire centered on Wall Street, using public debt as the source of their wealth.

The economic causes of the Civil War, reveal how the Civil War would not have happened had it not been planned and fomented by Northern capitalists.

The Civil War was caused by the powers of high finance

Comparing the events before, during and after the Civil War to what’s going on today

The MSM is no there to make a profit but to shape public opinion to swing elections. When Trump won, it wasn’t about him winning, it was about the NY Times losing. He has beat the media in spite of them doing everything they can do to destroy him

The problem today is that the “boys” want a one world government, Trump wants a strong nation

What does Mr. Graham think of the murder of JFK? He suggests reading a book called Who Really Killed JFK?

The problems happen when private entities takeover the supply and flow of money and credit

A debt jubilee is a repudiation of public debt and Congress does have the power to do it

Divide and Conquer: If you can keep people fighting with one another, it keeps the people from going after the powers that be because they’re missing what’s really going on

Why we need to grasp what really caused the Civil War

The people associated with the Bilderberg group are fundamentally incompetent which is reason enough to not want a one world government

Do Americans live under Constitutional, Administrative or Maritime laws? Which laws supersede the other and what are the American People to abide by in the USA?

Click here to check out the book Blood Money: The Civil War and the Federal Reserve

John Remington Graham has been a veteran trial lawyer in a career spanning more than 50 years, including service is a public defender, law professor, and chief public prosecutor. He has made appearances before courts of record in 16 jurisdictions of the United States, and consulted in important litigation abroad. He is an expert in British, American, and Canadian constitutional law and history.

BA. in philosophy 1963, LL. B. 1966, University of Minnesota; admitted to the Bar of the Minnesota Supreme Court, 1967; admitted to the Bar of the United States Supreme Court, 1971; Public Defender, United States District Court for Minnesota, 1969-1973; Founding professor, teaching common law pleading, judicial writs and remedies, American constitutional law, admiralty, copyrights, legal writing, conflict of laws, legal history, and modern civil procedure, and serving as chairman of the admissions committee, Hamline University School of Law, 1972-1980; Advisor on questions concerning constitutional law and equitable remedies to the Minnesota State Board of Bar Examiners, 1974-1978; Special Counsel for the City of Brainerd, 1974-1980; Crow Wing County Public Defender, 1981-1984; Crow Wing County Attorney, 1991-1995; Occasional lecturer in comparative British, American, and Canadian constitutional law at Laval University, 1989-1991, 1997, and 2000, and in public international law, 2003; and Advisor on British constitutional law and history to the court-appointed Amicus Curiae for Quebec before the Supreme Court of Canada in Reference on certain Questions concerning the Secession of Quebec from Canada, [1998] 2 S. C. R. 217.

John Remington Graham, trial lawyer for 50 years builds a case of the true cause of the Civil War, April 22, 2020 ONE

John Remington Graham, trial lawyer for 50 years builds a case of the true cause of the Civil War, April 22, 2020 TWO

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