Sean Stone

Filmmaker, Media Host, Author, Actor, Poet, Speaker, and above all, Truth-seeker and Spiritual Activist

Sean Stone is more than a media host. The former host of Buzzsaw (on The Lip TV and Gaia) brings his spiritual perspectives and new interviews to you directly with InnerViews on Ickonic. You can also find these conversations and much more on his Patreon.

Looking for spiritually-oriented advice, feedback or guidance, Sean offers private consultation sessions, as well as new workshops like The Art of Success & Heart Magic. All of these products and more are available here.

Sean Christopher Ali Stone began his spiritual quest at 10 years old, when his father took him to Tibet, Nepal and India, to illuminate the stark contrast between those worlds, and Hollywood, where he had been a child-actor in Oliver Stone films like JFK, The Doors and Natural Born Killers. Sean took summer jobs for Jim Brown’s Amer-I-Can program and Save the Children while still in high school, then studied American History at Princeton University, and Oxford, before writing his Senior Thesis on the modern history of the New World Order, now available from TrineDay and Amazon. Sean began his own filmmaking career by apprenticing under his father on Alexander, shooting the behind-the-scenes documentary Fight Against Time. On the film W., Sean worked as an Editorial Consultant, and on the TV series The Untold History of the United States, as an Associate Editor.  Sean Stone starred in and directed his first feature film Greystone Park in 2012, based on his real-life paranormal experiences in a haunted mental hospital.  In 2020, he published the cosmic fairy tale, Desiderata by Ali, now available from Blackstone and Audible. His most recent release is the poetry book The Ephemeral Shades of Time. His poetry was turned into an album on iTunes and Spotify, Alien Spirit featuring the music of Michel Huygen.

Being mindful of how food animals are treated.  Minimizing fear to avoid adrenochrome creation.

What is spirituality about? 

Being present in the moment, open to experience, feeling gratitude and love.

What is an awakened state like?  We would be more, doing in a mindful state.

Exploring the mysteries of human experience.

Take the power back to yourself.  Have a lived experience.  What is true with you?

Creating conflict to come to a new plateau.  Need resistance to grow.

Overcoming wokeness in Hollywood.  See Sean’s Best Kept Secret on Ickonic and

Overcoming the dark forces that are against life.  We need to get hold of our minds and avoid merging with them.  Become integrated and whole to transmute the external reality.

There’s a darkness in every one of us.  We have to own it and get beyond judgment by having compassion.

Death feeds life.  Suffering feeds growth.  We’re going through a new birth process in an age of transition.

The low vibration will eventually collapse.  It’s antithetical to nature.  It’s not organic and won’t be strong.  But it’s helping us grow.

Working with the inevitability of things.  Working with the energy while still moving, as in jujitsu. 

Federal system has gotten out of control.  Loss of state’s rights, creation of Federal Reserve and explosion of debt, invasion of civil liberties. 

The answer is not taking more money out of our pocket in taxes and throwing money at a problem.  The Federal government will not fix it.

The power is in me.  Can’t wait for someone else to come along and fix the problem.

Are there white hats that are trying to fix things?  We are living a civil war.  The human spirit is what defeats the darkness.

Check out Sean’s work.  Interviews program with notable guests.

'Sean Stone | Overcoming Wokeness and Dark Forces: Taking Your Life Back | August 31, 2022' has no comments

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