Patrick Timpone

It Takes A Long Time to Get Young

Patrick loves Fridays because he gets to connect with listeners and talk about everything under the sun. Do you have a question or comment about health or well being? How about spiritual concepts? What do you think about our reality? Are we suffering from mass psychosis or being programmed? Did we go to the moon? Is the world a sphere spinning through space? Join the conversation. We have loads of fun!!

Poor thinking in all manner and form is the prime factor in damaging the body

The usual suspects are:  Fear, worry, angst, uncertainty, guilt, self loathing, anger, frustration

Beliefs of all flavors that are opposite of God’s Law and  energy damages the body

The virus and bacteria come in, clean up the damage tissue and their waste product leaving causes the pain

On the physical level, toxins, chemicals in the food, air and water, personal products and EMF exposure are the leading

culprits on the physical plane.

The body detoxes all of these naturally  and their build up is another cause of disease.

We discuss structured water as put forth by Varis Ahmad

Patrick is skeptical that some of these “wands” advertised can truly structure water and certainly can not make real hydrogen water.

Why did Patrick switch out from the Aquacure to the Holy Hydrogen?

Patrick, part one

Patrick, part two

'Patrick Timpone | If There Are No Virus and Bacterial Infections, Why Do We get Sick? | April 28, 2023' has no comments

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