Patrick Timpone

It Takes A Long Time to Get Young

Patrick loves Fridays because he gets to connect with listeners and talk about everything under the sun. Do you have a question or comment about health or well being? How about spiritual concepts? What do you think about our reality? Are we suffering from mass psychosis or being programmed? Did we go to the moon? Is the world a sphere spinning through space? Join the conversation. We have loads of fun!!

The body changes with our state of consciousness. 

Drinking water with lemon juice and possibly olive oil or coffee to get the bowels moving. 

Patrick’s experimenting with Dr. Paul Saladino’s meat centric diet with added organs, fat, butter, fruit and honey.

Agni – fire in the belly.  You want a fire for life with good digestion and hormone production.  Impaired agni is at the root of all imbalances and diseases.

Since Patrick got off carbohydrates, he’s now experiencing hunger sensations.

Molecular hydrogen helps against yellow fat disease.  New article on ORN slide show. 

Should we be eating seeds?

Lynn recommends a tasty way to get liver.   Prepare beef liver pate recipe from  Freeze the batch in ice cube trays.  Eat one thawed out liver pate cube each day.

Listener asks if it is worth paying out-of-pocket for private medical insurance?

Will karma catch up with the globalist controllers?

Is the movie Top Gun Maverick a high-budget military recruitment tool?

Is it worth taking a chance on going to Mexico for dental work?   

God makes souls, which have free souls.  He doesn’t control us or tell us what to do.  His job is to instill life in us.

Are allergies and intolerances from man’s tampering with nature’s food sources?

The inhumanity of capitalist food systems.

Hunter-gathers didn’t eat vegetables, they ate meat and fruit.

Listeners looking for organic grass-fed and finished organs.  Try Amos  Membership only.

When you get off lectins and oxalates, you could have detox reactions from oxalate dumps.  Do a gradual reduction.

Why hasn’t Patrick had any detox reactions from going off his high-oxalate food diet suddenly?  Is it his good living?  Is the oxalate thing overblown?

Watch Tucker Carlson’s video about January 6 on the ORN home page.

'Patrick Timpone – Our Bodies Change with the State of Our Consciousness – June 10, 2022' has no comments

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