Patrick Timpone

What is the truth, e.g. of the Russia-Ukraine situation?  Intuitive nudges and remote viewing as a way of knowing.

Are thoughts a different state of consciousness?  If we feel the thought, is it separate from us?  The longer we’re in a thought, the more energy we give to it.  Letting go of a thought.

Microalgae is a superfood, per ORN guest Evan Folds.  BioAge from ORN is a microalgae.

Karma vs. sin.

Patrick recommends the movie Defending Your Life.


Atom said the Italians first ate melted cheese in the 1200s.  Usually ate it with fermented cucumbers and wine.

CDC says 10% of COVID swabs sent for genome testing.  They’re stealing our DNA.

Truckers can protest by just staying home.  Grocery stores have only a 3 day supply of food. 

Yellowstone actor Forrie J. Smith won’t attend Screen Actors Guild Awards because they require COVID jabs and a negative test.

Johns Hopkins U says you can get vaccinated by a PCR swab test without knowing.

If hair can turn grey overnight, can it reverse back to dark overnight?

Listener asks: Who, what, why we are?  How about when we are?

Going braless is healthier for breasts than wearing a bra.

Get liberated by knowing it’s always now.

How do we reprogram ourselves to be successful?  Knowing you don’t have to take anything away, just add to what you have.  Figure out what it takes to be successful.  Think, feel, and act.

On Wednesday’s show, George Wiseman recommended drinking a quart of hydrogenated water 30 minutes before a meal.  Patrick started doing that, and his heartburn has gone way down.

All the changes we see out there, it’s happening only because you are growing spiritually.

Sean said the healthiest he has ever been was 6 months on a fruitarian diet.  Is that diet sustainable? for trading and managing cryptcurrency.

The most important thing to do in life is to listen and know that you don’t know anything.

Australian listener recommends Freedom: The End Of The Human Condition, by Jeremy Griffith.  Science interview on the meaning of live. 

Easiest way to heal addiction is to not do the addiction.  Don’t drink, don’t eat, don’t whatever.

Why is Patrick gaining weight while eating less?  Is it l. reuteri yogurt or hanging on a bar?

Listener asks Patrick if he knows the secret history of Tartaria.  Video about it will be on this weekend.

Platform of Bitcoin can’t be stopped.

David shares some wisdom:

“the only thing worse than not knowing the truth is denying it.
“Those who fear the threat of an invisible enemy will most certainly make the effects of it happen before their very eyes.”
“Anyone who believes in the scientific method of “cause and effect” should make certain that they have irrefutably identified the former before accepting the latter.”

Does measles really exist?  It’s a virus, which Cowan, Kaufman, Lanka, Sell, Lando, Young etc. say don’t exist.  Diseases are the body trying to heal damaged tissues. 

Those who can’t connect the dots are the vaccinated.

Patrick part one

'Patrick Timpone – Russia/Ukraine Truth, Microalgae Superfood, Ultimate Hydration, Acts of Protest & More! – February 18, 2022' has no comments

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