Patrick Timpone

The Body Is Not Solid and What This Means for Health and Longevity

We’re here to be happy and productive.

What keeps us from doing what we want?  A thought, image or feeling.  And these aren’t who we are.

We can choose what we hang on to.

Strong feelings are in our body. 

Doing a self-inspection.  Look and see without commenting on it.  Aches, pains, numbness, anything and all will rise up into your consciousness.

The energy of any bodily unhappiness will dissipate with the awareness of separateness at the spiritual level.   This is how the body heals.

Can do supplements, herbs and meds, but true healing needs a spiritual metamorphosis.

Does spirit or God heal us?  Sort of, but not without our participation.

Babies and animals know what is going on.  So do all other souls.  Talk to them in normal conversation.

Story of his cat’s departure from Patrick’s home on the earthly plane and then returning to Patrick.

Listener comments on weather and climate changes. 

Listener says 5G is designed to kill the vaccinated. 

Was measles proven not to exist, per Stefan Lanka’s court case?  Measles is a detox process, a rite of passage for kids.  It has not been proven to be a virus.

Isn’t meat harder to digest?  Animals are the most species appropriate diet. 

Microbiome is different for meat than for carbs.  Best to transition slowly to animal-based diet to build up the best microbiome for meat. 

Dr. Zoe Harcombe says no evidence that fiber is necessary or good for us. 

Bill Gates says it’s impractical to insist on reducing meat consumption to ease climate change.

They don’t want us to live a long time.  They want us to take their meds and fall apart.

Tension is number one cause of disease.  Relax.  Trust God.  Don’t buy into fear porn. 

As we clean things up with diet and spiritually, mentally, and emotionally, the more the time between sowing and reaping shrinks.  Work through the karma.

'Patrick Timpone | The Body Is Not Solid and What This Means for Health and Longevity | October 4, 2022' has no comments

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