Patrick reminisces about his path to waking up, including his 50 years in radio broadcasting, starting in the military on the Johnston Atoll.

He went from radio job to radio job, being fired for being outspoken from some of them. “I was always on the edge, pushing the envelope,” says Patrick.

Like most of us, Patrick was, as he puts it, “deep in the weeds, dazed and confused.” He was looking for “who we are, why we are, and where we are.”

Patrick’s first mentor along the way was a man with a big beard living in a purple school bus; he relates how this friendship eventually led to him to where and what he is today.

Patrick delves into “fighting” — how we’re fighting or at war with everything from poverty, drugs, terrorism, viruses, and ourselves.

“Fighting” has been a well-orchestrated paradigm for many years by the elite. “You’re mission is to not get involved.”

The more we keep out of it, and “not be in the effects of it,” the more chance they will leave us alone.

“The more we fight something, the bigger it gets.”

“Do what you believe in. If you don’t want the vaccine passport, just say ‘No.’ While you’re fighting it, you lose all of your liberties.

“Nothing comes into my world unless I have created it. Nothing happens by accident.”

A listener writes in about how grateful she is for Patrick’s soothing voice and his message, similar to what her father has taught her.

A listener asks about Morgellons. Is 5G or chemtrails involved? Or is it just detoxing?

Patrick discusses the Fourth Amendment and the U.S. Constitution. What are our rights during the Covid hoax?

Prepping is a practical idea. Patrick is getting stronger by walking with weights strapped on his legs. He also ordered cases of Fiji Water.

A listener asks about Cahill and Mikovits versus Cowan and Kaufman.

Atom writes in, “‘Physical’ is a new concept. Doctors invented it to mean ‘relating to medicine’ in 1590 or so, and the concept took on a life of its own.”

A listener asks, “Will we have to stay six feet away from people after being vaccinated?”

John Wong phones in about quitting his job and working for himself.

Patrick and John discuss self-sufficiency, battery systems, and the breaking down of supply chains.

Betty writes in about her brother being in the hospital with health problems after getting vaccinated.

Atom writes in, “The Air Force has photos of a UFO. A real Top Gun pilot chased it for more than a minute.”

“You don’t get to be a billionaire unless the Boys approve of you,” says Patrick, and elaborates. “Did they put goofballs in Zuckerberg and Musk’s drinks like in The Manchurian Candidate?”

“May the Blessings Be.”

Patrick Timpone, co hosted by Doodle and Atom for a romp through the important things in life, April 2, 2021. ONE

Patrick Timpone, co hosted by Doodle and Atom for a romp through the important things in life, April 2, 2021. TWO

'Patrick Timpone – There’s No Better Time to Wake Up – April 2, 2021' have 3 comments

  1. April 4, 2021 @ 9:54 pm Mary


    Love your show….still find the whole thing about you ‘making babies’ with someone young enough to be a daughter or granddaughter off-putting.
    Why not adopt? Why not adopt with a woman closer to your own age?
    Just curious.


    • April 5, 2021 @ 6:46 am patrick

      Hi Mary,
      Understand your question…I just want the whole experience of before during after bringing a Soul
      into this World…always have.
      And the the “age” thing is just a number…nothing more…our bodies can and do get younger if we are cleaver about it, mine is…
      thank you for listening.


  2. April 22, 2021 @ 12:10 am Jim from Santa Fe

    Patrick, you need to go to Brazil with Dr. Mark Sircus. He can set you up with a young woman down there that can give you a child!
    So many possibilities down there for a single American man.


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