Patrick Timpone

We’re Living In the Land of Opposites In the Worst of the Worst Yuga

Earth is a land of opposites, moving forward in cycles.  Now in Kali Yuga, the worst of the worst.  Don’t get sucked into their spooky time.  We are the writers and producers, making our own movie.

Are the rats leaving the sinking ship?  Are Senators Manchin and Sinema our angels?

Melissa shares her success story making reuteri yogurt in her dehydrator.  Patrick can feel something going on after eating his reuteri yogurt.  And it tastes great.

Forthcoming central bank digital currency (CBDC) – a total control system.  First step of implementation – a coup d’etat of the presidency.  Then supply chain bottle-necks.  More money chasing limited supplies of goods – a recipe for inflation.  Revolving credit up 25% in one year.  Laying the groundwork to control your work and what you can buy.   They have the power to destroy the economy. 

Kavanaugh and Roberts and the 3 liberal Supreme Court justices said they could mandate vaccines for health care workers because they do business with the government.  So unconstitutional.

They want you to believe Fed rate hikes will slow the inflation.  Can they, with a 5 trillion dollar inflation of money supply?

How to protect yourself?  Maintain an income, have food, don’t get into debt, and watch the show.

Rio de Janeiro planning to allocate a portion of treasury reserves to crypto currency and be a crypto hub. 

ORN guest Lynette Zang quote: They never change behavior, only how they account for it.

Nurses taking to the streets in protest of vaccine mandates.  Versus professors offering extra credit to those that get vaccinated.

Will the banks collapse?  They can monetize debt, i.e. create money with a computer.  Wells Fargo as an example of modern monetary theory.  Why would they go bankrupt?

Quantitative easing – what is it?  How long does it keep going on?

Is shedding from the jab real?  Is it a phenomenon of what is happening now?  Do what you can to get strong and to grow spiritually.

Does the body really attack itself, or is the body cleaning itself up?   Positive role of bacteria, fungi, tumors.  They’re not trying to kill us, do we really want to kill them?

How to tell if your testosterone is good?  Morning wood.  T is a measure of your chi.  Need a full body approach to improve it.

Patrick thanks all those who sent Christmas cards and donations.

Atom says starch is different than sugar and it’s starch that’s guilty.

What is tummy bloat?  Generally it’s SIBO. 

Queen Elizabeth is stripping Prince Edward of royal and military titles and payment for lawyers.

What is happening in Ukraine and Kazakhstan?

95% of mainstream media news is not true.

part one

part two

'Patrick Timpone – We’re Living In the Land of Opposites In the Worst of the Worst Yuga – January 14, 2022' has 1 comment

  1. January 19, 2022 @ 2:46 am Jay

    Hello Patrick, if its possible invite Dr. Johannes F. Coy, he is a german dr. He knows more about sugar than any other person I’ve heard. He also wrote a book it calls: Fit mit Zucker its in German . he talks about sugar types, im sure moste people never heard about.

    Greetings from Germany


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