Richard Maybury 

Founder of The Early Warning Report

Richard Maybury is widely regarded as one of the top free-market writers in America. His articles have appeared in the Wall Street JournalUSA Today and other major publications.

Richard Maybury publishes one of the most well respected newsletters on investing in the World: Early Warning Report. He’s asked us to give you a link, as his gift to the April-May 2020 newsletter. Enjoy

President of Henry Madison Research, Inc., Mr. Maybury is a world-renowned author, lecturer and analyst who consults with business firms and individuals in the U.S. and Europe.

Mr. Maybury is often compared to General Billy Mitchell. You may remember that Mitchell foretold the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor; he was one of those rare individuals with the amazing knack for seeing through the “conventional wisdom” and political smoke screens, to spot crucial new trends – the kind that catch most other experts by surprise.

Throughout the 1990s, Mr. Maybury warned about a coming world war between Washington and Muslims, but few listened, just as few listened to Mitchell.

Ever since 9-11, thousands have been hanging on Mr. Maybury’s every word. Subscribers who have been taking his advice — to invest in things that do well in wartime — have been reaping astounding profits.

Mr. Maybury calls his viewpoint “Juris Naturalism,” which means the belief in a natural law that is higher than any government’s law. This, incidentally, was also the philosophy of Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and the other American founders.

“Let me be very clear about this,” Mr. Maybury states. “I’m proud of my viewpoint and do not try to hide it behind a smokescreen of phony objectivity. I believe political power is the most evil thing humans ever discovered. It corrupts the morals and the judgment.”

Mr. Maybury has written 22 books and monographs, including his Uncle Eric series of books, which focus on economics, law and history. He has been interviewed on more than 250 radio and TV shows across America, on topics ranging from monetary policy, investments and business cycles to the geopolitics of the Mideast oil region and former Soviet Union, as well as U.S. foreign policy.

Do not be left in the dark about changing world events and their impact on you, your money, and your family. Know what others don’t, and subscribe to U.S. & World Early Warning Report today.

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Richard Maybury is the publisher of U.S. & World Early Warning Report. He has written several entry-level economics, law, and history books used by homeschoolers.

He’s been publishing the Early Warning Report for 32 years.

Patrick asks, “Why did the rolling blackouts happen in Texas?” “You get elected by being an expert at getting elected,” replies Richard.

Politicians don’t know anything about electricity, oil, coal, gas, nuclear energy, or foreign affairs. What do they know about? Does what they know about help us or hurt us?

The goal of globalists is to have supernatural wisdom based on good intentions. Does this agree with free market economics?

“They think they know how to run the world.” Will politicians’ good intentions lead to good results?

How have politicians sabotaged the free enterprise system created by the Industrial Revolution?

Is government too large for us to understand?

How does malinvestment create recession, and how is depression created?

How does the disbursement of money into “hot spots” affect businesses that shouldn’t have been there in the first place?

Are we in an inflationary cycle with rising commodity prices?

How many welfare programs has the government created and how much is it costing us?

How does the printing of money out of thin air and the velocity of money affect the value of money?

Patrick and Richard discuss the St. Louis FRED and the MZM (Money Zero Maturity).

“Money responds to the law of supply and demand.” What are its three stages?

Why did the price of gold increase from $100 to $850 in 1980?

The American Revolution started 20 or 30 years before the colonists’ war with Britain. The Revolution was a change in the hearts and minds of the people, according to John Adams.

The government had become the enemy years before the actual war.

What stage of the “revolution” are we in now?

Are we going to go the way of the American Revolution or of the French Revolution? About half of the people see the government as something to fear.

Are we going to go the way of George Washington or will it be the way of Napoleon? Will it be the way of Liberty or will it be the Reign of Terror?


America’s legal system was grounded in British Common Law, so the U.S. avoided a Napoleon. What will happen today?

The two main principles of British Common Law must be in place in order for chaos not to ensue. What are these principles?

What has the worldwide teaching of socialism in schools done to the younger generation?

How does history repeat itself? Countries dominated by the Empire, i.e. the U.S., infiltrate the Empire’s government. The conqueror becomes dominated by the conquered.

Why are the troops still in Washington? Are they protecting the government against half of the people?

Why are these troops being vetted for loyalty? Is it similar to the British troops who actually joined the American war against the British?

Patrick explains how Eckankar led him to the work of Richard Maybury.

Richard Maybury and his monthly visit on the money and financial world for this months visit,

'Richard Maybury – There’s Been a Change In the Hearts and Minds of People, So Where Do We Go from Here? – February 24, 2021' has 1 comment

  1. March 26, 2021 @ 7:40 am James M Perry

    Hi Patrick! I have subscribed to “US News and Early Warning Report” for decades. Like you, I also learned of Maybury’s TWO LAWS through my association with Eckankar. Harold Klemp, the Spiritual Leader of Eckankar, believes that Maybury’s laws are so important, he recommends learning them by heart: “1. Do all you have agreed to do and 2. Do not encroach upon other persons or their property.”

    The first law has taught me the importance of personal responsibility and being true to my word. The second law has taught me the importance of respecting other’s rights, beliefs, property, and personal space. Of not meddling or interfering in other people’s affairs— especially family and close friends unless asked. Easier said than done.

    Maybury believes that these two laws make civilization possible. When they break down, so to does civilization. When they return, society enters a new level of enlightenment. They are the only two principles all religions agree upon—all those dos and do nots distilled into 17 words.

    In Eckankar, we learn about karma, the spiritual law of cause and effect. Life is about choices, and our actions (causes) have consequences (effects). Working with these two laws helps one understand how to live the law of cause and effect in one’s daily life. These two laws are as close as society as a whole can get to the supreme law of life: Divine Love.


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