Stephanie Person

Keto Coach

My low carb, high fat consulting credentials are completely self-taught.

I first began educating myself regarding Keto Adaptation when my Mother was diagnosed with a terminal Glioblastoma Multiforme brain tumor. The prognosis was 6 months to live. This prompted me to take an aggressive approach to learn ways to slow cancer growth. I dramatically lowered her carbohydrate intake and raised her dietary fats exponentially. Immediately my mother’s cancer growth stopped. She is now in her 7th year of being cancer free.

After my Mother’s cancer remission from a low carb and high fat diet prescription, I began to apply the Nutritional Ketosis principles on myself. With success I was able to enter and maintain Ketosis and enjoyed incredible health improvements.

After experiencing the incredible benefits of Ketosis myself, I applied these low carb and high fat principles on my closest friends. The success stories of better health continued in people around me. My next approach was my personal training clients. In a 2 year time period I was able to Keto coach 8 subjects with 100% improvement in their weight loss and health goals.

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Stephanie works with many people around the earth helping folks find their best diet

An imbalance of hormones a key reason for diseases

Some vegetables are necessary for specific nutrients not found in meat

Electrolyte imbalances are more prevalent than the carnivore gurus talk about

What blood tests does Stephanie  recommend her clients get?

We talk about organ meats and fruit

She talks about the Liver King being exposed taking lots of steroids

Stephanie believes many of the Keto/Carnivore gurus are are steroids and saying the food is the reason

'Stephanie Person | Dogmatic Gurus Promising Magic Results Without Understanding Unique Needs of Us are Dangerous | January 10, 2023' have 3 comments

  1. January 11, 2023 @ 10:37 am Kira Miftari

    She was awesome, Patrick! ✌️


  2. January 13, 2023 @ 9:22 am Guyfranke

    She’s excellent. Right to the point.
    IMO…evolved humans are animal centric omnivores who use fire and fasting. That’s who we are.
    Cheers Patrick !!


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