Genes are the minor way to perpetuate engrams (both toxic as well as benign).

Genes cause symmetrical tissue irritation.

Memes – units of cultural transmission – are the major way.

Memes cause asymmetrical tissue irritation.

Memes (more accurately, their feeling-tones) can be transmitted to the sperm and ovum before they unite.

Today’s leading world expert on emotions is a rat tickler, way ahead of the scientific community with his 7 Primary Emotions of …


(2) RAGE

(3) FEAR

(4) LUST

(5) CARE


(7) PLAY

But Dr. Jaak Panksepp is traumatized (easily seen by reading his Body Language on YouTube).

So all his science won’t release and integrate his Play Deprivation Syndrome because he doesn’t know he suffers from it.

Genius may even be devolving humanity.

One major player in corporate biotechnology – Randal J. Kirk – taught himself to read at age three.

Long ago, Italian criminologist Cesare Lombroso discovered retrogressive traits in most men of genius, including …

(1) lesions of the head and brain

(2) pallor (“the color of great men”)

(3) rickets

(4) short height

(5) stammering

(6) left-handedness

(7) sterility

(8) precocity

(9) vagabondage

(10) somnambulism

(11) hyperesthesia

(12) amnesia

(13) melancholy

(14) epilepsy

(15) double personality

(16) mesoneism

Etc. (an understatement)

Regarding mesoneism, Cesare Lombroso wrote (in 1891) …

“The men who create new worlds are as much enemies of novelty as ordinary persons and children. They display extraordinary energy in rejecting the discoveries of others; whether it is that the saturation, so to say, of their brains prevents any new absorption, or that they have acquired a special sensibility, alert only to their own ideas, and refractory to the ideas of others. Thus Schopenhauer, who was a great rebel in philosophy, has nothing but words of pity and contempt for political revolutionaries; and he bequeathed his fortune to men who had contributed to repress by arms the noble political aspirations of 1848. Frederick II, who inaugurated German politics, and wished to foster a national art and literature did not suspect the work of Herder, of Klopstock, of Lessing, of Goethe; he disliked changing his coats so much that he had only two or three during his life. The same may be said of Napoleon and his hats. Rossini could never travel by rail; when a friend attempted to accustom him to the train he fell down fainting, remarking afterwards: ‘If I was not like that I should never have written the Barbiere.’ Napoleon rejected steam, and Richelieu sent Salomon de Caus, its first inventor, to the Bicetre. Bacon laughed at Gilbert and Copernicus; he did not believe in the application of instruments, or even of mathematics, to the exact sciences. Baudelaire and Nodier detested freethinkers. Laplace denied the fall of meteorites, for, he said, with an argument much appreciated by the Academicians, how can stones fall from the sky when there are none there? Biot denied the undulatory theory. Voltaire denied fossils. Darwin did not believe in the stone age nor in hypnotism. Robin laughed at the Darwinian theory.”

Genius is respected in a society that doesn’t live in the momentous moment.

Cultures usually store their thoughts in the past for enjoyment in the future … MP3 consciousness.

The mind (lower mental center) responds to cause and effect, while the body is a synchronous mechanism, interconnected with its environmental matrix.

In other words, in my humble opinion, physiological diseases are mostly mental manifestations.

Working with hundreds of people, maybe a few thousand, I’ve found that the mind readily affixes to a single cause.

Health is the realization that everything causes everything, something Ted Nelson calls intertwingularity.

He wrote …

“Hierarchical and sequential structures, especially popular since Gutenberg, are usually forced and artificial. Intertwingularity is not generally acknowledged – people keep pretending they can make things hierarchical, categorizable and sequential when they can’t.”

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said …

“The body doesn’t get confused. The mind gets confused.”

The body doesn’t lie. The mind does.


'The Meme (Not the Gene) Is the Main Cause Of Trauma' have 3 comments

  1. November 5, 2013 @ 11:52 pm atomb

    Check out my e-books at …

    Yawning is the optimum way to vaporize (literally) engrams (both toxic and benign).


  2. November 7, 2013 @ 11:19 am atomb

    Master Chen (Yun Xiang Tseng) wrote ..

    “There is no sweeping to do. if you still have something to work for, then how can you become Buddha? When there is no dust on the mirror then there is no mirror.”


  3. November 7, 2013 @ 11:25 am atomb

    I advised a friend to delay working on his father trauma until after he won the U.S. Open, because his father trauma was driving him to win it.

    He didn’t win the U.S. Open and probably still retains his father trauma.


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