Prostate Cancer

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

Re: Black men were diagnosed with prostate cancer more than 50 percent the national average per 100,000 people.


Black men get tested earlier … and get “treated” earlier … and get lousier “treatment.”


According to aging dot com …

“Observation: Sometimes the best treatment is no treatment at all, but rather consistent check-ups and tests to make sure the cancer isn’t progressing faster than usual. The risks of waiting and monitoring can outweigh the risks of other treatments, making observation the best treatment option for the time being. This option makes sense for many men. If an 80-year-old man is diagnosed with a beginning-stage prostate cancer, and it’s not expected to affect the man’s life over the next couple years, why rush treatment? The same can be said for a man in his 50s, who doesn’t feel the need to address the problem until it starts spreading and affecting his health.”


Testosterone does NOT cause prostate cancer. Estrogen does … estrogen and omega 3 fatty acids.

Ray Peat (“Prostate Cancer,” 2013) wrote …

“It was noticed several decades ago that estrogen causes the prostate gland to enlarge in experimental animals, but by then an oversimplified view of the sex hormones was already well established, that led people to say that ‘estrogen causes the female organs to grow, and testosterone causes the male organs to grow.’ Logically extending this mistaken idea led many of the same people to suppose that the ‘hormones of one sex would inhibit the growth of the reproductive organs of the other sex.'”


Here’s a warning to men seeking ketosis.

Instead of sugar, you’re burning a variety of lipids … including omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids.

According to how stuff works dot com …

“Assuming you have a diesel engine, you could use vegetable oil with no other modifications. However, vegetable oil has very high viscosity. It’s so thick that the engine has a hard time atomizing the fuel completely when it is sprayed into the combustion chamber. The result is unburned fuel that clogs the engine.”


According to Revue Scientifique et Technique International Office of Epizootics (2018) …

“Omega-3 FA concentration is higher in red meat (beef, lamb and mutton) than in white meat (pork, poultry and turkey), due to the fibre types present in muscle tissues and the specialised digestive systems of ruminants.”


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