Patrick Timpone

Dr. Jess Armine

The Sherlock Holmes of Chronic Disease

Dr. Jess ArmineDr. Jess P. Armine holds licenses as a Doctor of Chiropractic and a Registered Nurse. He is trained in Chiropractic, Methylation, Genetic Research, Neuro-Endo-Immunology, Functional Medicine, Nutrigenomics, Applied Kinesiology, Cranial Manipulation, and Nutritional Counseling. He has been a health care provider for over 37 years.
Via his experience and eclectic training, he has a broad based knowledge of traditional and alternative/complementary health care. He has treated many clients with Chronic Illnesses, Multiple Chemical Sensivities, MTHFR issues, PANDAS, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Pain, Gastrointestinal Imbalances (Leaky Gut), Autistic Spectrum Disorders, and more!
Dr. Armine is also a R.N. with extensive experience in Emergency and Critical Care.
Dr. Jess has published several papers in peer- reviewed scientific journals. In Addition, Dr. Jess Armine has created treatment guidelines for Independence Blue Cross’ restorative therapy unit and held Diplomats in Forensic Examination and Forensic Medicine from the American College of Forensic Examiners and is a Fellow of the American College of Forensic Examiners International.
Dr. Armine is one of the few specialists in the United States specializing in correlating the Genetic SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) with Neuro-Endo-Immunology, Acquired Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Cell Wall Integrity to identify hidden imbalances and he develops INDIVIDUALIZED treatment plans specific to the history and physiology of the individual patient . Dr. Armine constantly researches about the latest findings in genetics and functional medicine.

Show Highlights:

-Bio-Individualized medicine explained

-What is The Standard of Care and why are doctors thrown out who deviate from it?

-Putting the spine back into balance through chiropractic

-Dr. Armine talks about the interesting IV therapies he offers at his clinic

-What is Leaky Gut Syndrome and what causes it?

-Rebuilding the gut to reduce inflammation

-What do C reactive protein tests reflect?

-What is the cause of inflammation?

-Dr. Armine lists his favorite ways to fix leaky gut

-If you sleep and poop, everything will be okay

-The difference between the genome and epigenome

-Ideas fortreating spinal stenosis

and so much more!



dr jess armine looking at the whole person, september 22, 2014

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