Patrick Timpone


Dr. Robert Rowen

Measles Spread by the Vaccinated: Vaccines may be a Greater Danger than You Ever Knew!

Dr. Robert RowenWorried about measles? If you are vaccinated, you should be. If you are my age, and were lucky enough to get wild measles, you needn’t worry at all.

Measles has been quite stubborn to be wiped out. In China, in one province, 99% of children are vaccinated but measles runs strong.

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure that one out. Clearly measles vaccine doesn’t work as advertised. In fact, in our own country, outbreak after outbreak has occurred in what has been called a fully vaccinated population. (See: A measles outbreak at a college with a prematriculation immunization requirement. Am J Public Health. 1991 Mar ;81(3):360-4. PMID:1994745.)

I wrote long ago that we are setting up the younger generation for a potential calamity. See, vaccines give you plastic immunity. They build up only one line of your immune system, the antibody system, and put the main immune system (cellular immunity) to sleep. You need both for fully developed immunity.

Vaccine immunity has been shown to wane with time. And sadly, current measles outbreaks are being blamed on parents who refuse to give immune damaging vaccines to their children, when Chinese and American data shows otherwise.

You won’t hear the latter in the news though, but I will tell you! If I had a school age child now, I’d rush him over to the house with measles (or chicken pox, etc.) to play games there. When my child would get measles, I’d give plenty of vitamin A and also ozone therapy. I’d run the virus out in about half the time or less (by experience with other viruses).
– See more at:

Show Highlights:

-What are doctors actually taught about vaccines in medical school?

-What’s wrong with the vaccine model when they actually sound quite logical?

-Dr. Rowan is taking a lot of heat in the vaccine debate; he tells us what his role is in it

-As communicable diseases have been eradicated, there has been an explosion of auto immune diseases

-If your immune system doesn’t get exercised, it doesn’t get toned which is why the mumps, measles and chicken pox are good for immune building

-Infections are apart of life; staying germ free is not a good idea because the immune system will not be stimulated

-Dr. Rowen reads an interesting article from The New England Journal of Medicine; do doctors read this stuff?

-Rowen’s theory about autism

-Informed Consent: Check out the website for the National Vaccine Information Centerand The NVIC Advocacy Portal to learn about all the legislation and proposed legislation on vaccines. Find vaccine friendly doctors, meaning those who won’t kick you out of their office for being an informed parents, making your own intelligent decisions. And learn about all the ingredients in vaccines and more.

-The greatest scheme ever devised by the hand of evil

and so much more!



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dr robert rowen on vaccines, february 11, 2015

'Dr. Robert Rowen, MD – Pharming Humans Through Vaccination: The Greatest Scheme Ever Devised By the Hand of Evil – February 11, 2015' have 5 comments

  1. February 11, 2015 @ 11:01 pm Dan

    Great show and Dr Rowen offered matter of fact information. I posted the link to my FB timeline. Thanks Patrick.


  2. February 12, 2015 @ 12:36 pm Oriana

    About smallpox: the incidence was already on a steep decline BEFORE the vaccine was introduced. Vaccines were given false credit for “eradicating” smallpox.


  3. February 18, 2015 @ 11:20 am Dee

    My daughter died 19 hours after her six month vaccinations. If I knew then what I know now. Dee


    • February 18, 2015 @ 4:28 pm skg

      If only the public would embrace the truth of the danger. We are terribly sorry and humbled by your loss Dee and appreciate you leaving this comment. Sharon


    • February 19, 2015 @ 9:56 am Tara

      I’m sorry for your loss Dee, that is the same round my son had a severe reaction to, which led me on the path I am now. I say the same thing. Love and light to you.


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