When anything goes…

…and usually does!!!


Patrick, the sulfur man calls, and likes Wayne Blakley’s contention that people who are low on sulfur are just not happy Souls in their body

Day seven in the antibiotic experiment to kill off the “alleged” H Pylori bugger in Patrick’s tummy.  All systems go with lots and lots of Living Streams probiotics.

Bridget, the lovely from the Florida pan handle calls with lots of fun tales of this and that.  She’s having a good experience with some stem cell patches

Our awareness of fecal implants go way back and past guest Dr. Thomas Borody in Australia is having amazing success with this

real active fecal implant material coming soon in a capsule, possibly early next year

The more we learn about breathing hydrogen gas and making hydrogen water the better it appears to be

Patrick talks about Eck Master Rebezar Tarz, said to be over 600 years old, who dictated a book to Paul Twitchell in 1960 by simply manifesting his body in Paul’s apartment.  In the book, “Dialogues with The Master” Rebezar states that Divine Spirit as it manifest in the physical..the main component is Hydrogen.

John in New York, long time supporter of our work calls and chats about this and that. He tells of a trip he took to Ecuador for possible relocation.  Finds it beautiful, yet chooses to remain in America

Lori in Wisconsin asks Patrick to go into detail what he feeds his girl, Doodle..which of course he does

Two new and comprehensive studies our of Europe that conjecture the “man made global warming” meme is just not right and the Earth is barely, slightly, warming even if it is carbon from humans

Patrick muses about whether or not colloidal silver kills all the good guys or not.

Open Phones with You, Doodle and Patrick with a wide, wide variety of musings and insights from all involved, July 12, ONE

Open Phones with You, Doodle and Patrick with a wide, wide variety of musings and insights from all involved, July 12, TWO

'Open Phone Friday – A Little of This and A Little of That With Fun Calls and Emails -July 12, 2019' has no comments

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