Show highlights:

-We talk about castor oil. Did you hear our interview with Dr. Marisol? Check it out

-Patrick tells us how easy it is to return products to Amazon

-Brexit is happening today; that was one thing Andrew Gause was wrong about; Patrick plays an excellent clip by Nigel Farage

-We talk about eye floaters; a listener wants to know if anyone has ever used Vicks vapor rub in the eyes a la Dr. Jennifer Daniels

-A listener writes in to talk about her experience using Pearlcium

-Glycerin stops remineralization of the teeth and every conventional toothpaste has it in it

-Patrick talks about the Wim Hoff breathing technique

-Patrick shares a fun story about when he lived out in Boulder, CO

-Not getting too extreme about politics

-Do you like the writer Stephen King? Somehow we talk extensively about him and his work

-Does anyone out there have a good tuna salad recipe?

-Did you know that Slippery Elm is on the endangered species list?

and more!!


Open Phone and Email Friday with You, Doodle and Patrick, January 31, 2020 ONE

Open Phone and Email Friday with You, Doodle and Patrick, January 31, 2020 TWO


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