The Friday Show

Patrick Timpone with Hannah Walizer

Discussing the Topics Important to You

We talk about children and pets and encouraging their good behavior rather than pointing out their bad behavior

Patrick talks about praising Doodle when she comes when called after coming from next door and playing in the mud with neighbors dog

Does the sexual life of a person matter as we discussed latest revelations that Obama is gay an Michelle is a trans woman, a biological man?

We dream of days when our time on the web will be rare and only when necessary

Are people masking up in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania where Hannah lives?

The uses of charcoal for detox and cleaning the blood.

Patrick talks about not being for or against any food.  Freedom.

We talk about the benefits and uses for turpentine

Are parasites trying to kill us?

Patrick scores cow feet, a la Jennifer Daniels from his local HEB. Go figure.  Just ask.

Part One

Part Two

'The Friday Show | Charcoal, Detox, Masks, Freedom, Our Sexual Lives & More | September 8, 2023' has no comments

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