The Friday Show

Patrick Timpone with Hannah Walizer

Discussing the Topics Important to You

Patrick talks about how his dreams is showing him the way to being more detached from “things” out there in the Matrix

As we give juice to this or that we unknowingly cling onto it for a bit before working it out

We are here to find “Right Livelihood” also called Dharma.

Doing what we love and the money will follow is true as Spirit applauds and send us support when we  are true to our self.

A good clear indication of thyroid function is body temperature first thing in the morning.

there are options to take temp quickly other than mercury thermometer.  Some are better than others.

Our reaction to stress appears to lower thyroid function

Not speaking our truth will has the same affect on the mind/body

We wonder how big this “New Variant” thing is going to play out with people and how much they comply

The power of words and how it affects us.

I am that I am.

Saying I am this or I am that appears to put the positive or negative energy into the subconscious

Have you noticed how often we look at the clock and see it is 11 minutes after the hour

How do you react to someone when they hurt your feelings?


1.).  When will you get CRROW777 back on?  

Can you and Hannah both interview him???

2.). Would you do a show on essential oils and rock crystals???

Could the meme sender be referring to the injections interacting with 5G making it appear as though a “new variant” is out there? In other words, the microscopy that has been done to allegedly show nano particles and graphene oxide existing within the vials from Phizer, Moderna, etc. when induced by the microwave pulses of 5G will ultimately cause dis-ease or illness. Thus, in the minds of the ignorant masses it must be a “new variant” when to your point there was no original, so there certainly cannot be subsequent strains.

Do you find that you eat less when you do the sun worship practice in the morning?

Part One

Part Two

'The Friday Show | Not Being For or Against Things and Still Being a Real Live Feeling Human | August 26, 2023' has no comments

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