The Friday Show

Patrick Timpone with Hannah Walizer

Discussing the Topics Important to You

Cell Salts corresponding to ones birth month can be learned and utilized for healing

What is your opinion and understanding of astrology?

It is written in the ancient text that Souls run through all the astrological signs 84 times to clear out earth karma

How is it possible that the stars rotate exactly the same way around the North Star and return to the same place after one year?

Patrick experiences quite stellar results in relaxation and sleep benefits going after trigger points in the neck

Patrick guides us through how to get into long lost areas of the body utilizing breathing techniques

Hannah says one of her key issues in life is to be at peace within

She recommends the book, “Relation of the Mineral Salts in the Body to the signs of the Zodiac

Hannah’s experience with living around the Amish and their culture

part one

Part two

'The Friday Show | When We Control Our Breath We Control Our Life | July 14, 2023' has 1 comment

  1. July 31, 2023 @ 12:23 pm Eric

    In regards to the Amish. The fedgov has been spending millions of dollars over decades to study the Amish… They never released the reports.. the reports would be devastating to it’s institutions and their guidelines… I ask people would you want to be devastated finding out you’ve been lied to about everything or would you just rather be devastated at the end of your lie/life


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