Varis Ahmad


Varis Ahmad is a Polymath and a regenerative farmer. He makes videos pertaining to healthy human development, hair loss, and longevity, as well as esotericism, philosophy, geopolitics, and cultural anthropology. He does this as a hobby and for contribution to the human experience.

Visit Varis’s YouTube Channel

Our state of consciousness, (what we believe, think, imagine and expect), affects how the body accepts or not, the food we eat

Thinking carefully and thoughtfully in words is a clear path to enlightenment

Allergies, as generally known, may well be associated with heavy metals.

Far Infrared Saunas and sulfur rid the body of heavy metals

Cooked starches now and again will benefit those on low carb or Carnivore diet

Aajonus Vonderplanetz recommended a little cooked starch several times a week to push out excess hormones etc. from animal foods

Amhad believes it is the hard to get trace minerals that is significant to hair loss and grey hair.

Bamboo and seaweeds are the ultimate foods for this.

Here’s a link to Shen Blossom’s Seaweed page… great assortment of the best there is.

White rice is one of the most digestible carbs to add now and then to Keto or Carnivore diet

Varis gives a special recipe for almonds and coconut meat with probiotics that he says is da bomb

Orange Juice is one of the most amazing healthful foods on the Planet… Maybe Ray Peat and Atom are on to something.

What are the best vegetables if one just to eat a little now and then

the benefits of having everything raw with an animal based diet

One can be a vegetarian and do well if they get very creative and flexible.

'Varis Ahmad | If We Are Clever, We Can Thrive On Most Any Diet We Choose | January 24, 2023' has 1 comment

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