Patrick Timpone

Dr. Richard Massey

with Meridian Grace

Your Health Questions Answered

Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine.
Meridian Grace has over 40 years of experience and worked with thousands of clients. Since she was 14 years old, she knew that high quality life includes spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Tirelessly researching all these years, she integrates the wisdom of the ancients with the most up to date technology. She continually attends workshops, classes, and seminars to explore new ideas and technology in all aspects of the holistic health field. Meridian greets you with a compassionate listening heart.

Massey and Meridian

Show Highlights:

-Why do people get cold? Is it because of thyroid or adrenal function? Ratio between RT3/T3 – cruising or braking? Why does RT3 get high or T3 low? Lack of minerals or heavy metal contamination? Restoring adrenals before thyroid. Testing with homeopathic thyroid. Iodine skin test. Regeneration of thyroid gland. Thyroid is always smarter than the doctors and indicates systemic issues.

-Dee in California calls about her daughter’s undiagnosed health issues and aks about 23andMe.

-Project purpose in recall healing, needing to let go of inappropriate purposes. Letting go of guilt. Dilation of pupils – home test for adrenal fatigue. Adrenals shut down if we’re not on true life path.

-We discuss iodine.

-Roger in Florida asks about consultation with Dr. Massey. Question about his RT3/T3 ratio. Lugol’s vs. Iodoral vs RLC Labs ithyroid. Mayo Clinic research shows infrared sauna good for CHF patients. On ORN sauna page, Rhonda Patrick article on hyperthermic connection. CHF patients benefit from using oxygen in FIR. Fecal transplant used in Germany 100 years ago.

-Consuelo asks about calcium deposits in the eyes. Homeopathic eye support and reportizing for symptoms; Paradoxical calcification; Vitamin K2 and K3 direct calcium to the right place. In recall healing, calcium is related to the father. Hekla lava helps with bone spurs. Types of homeopathic approaches. Recall healing and fibonacci to clear up ancestral issues.

-John in Dallas asks about pink lotion, balancing Th1 and Th2 immune responses, and receding gums and restoring tooth enamel. Calcium/phosphorus balance affects normal flow in tooth tubules from inside tooth to outside; if Ca/P balance off, the tooth sucks saliva into tubules and loses enamel. In recall healing, enamel related to not having the right to bite and kill. Healing power of confession. Th1 vs.Th2 stimulants.

-Patrick uses Chewy’s Tooth and Gum balm from IodineSource which can be ordered through ORN store.

-Emailer asks about varicose veins and spider veins. Try slanted bed, herb recommendations for veins, vitamin C, bromelain. Blood pools in legs because it’s not safe to go home and something’s wrong with Mom. Bottom half of body about Mom, top half of body about Dad. Pipsissewa helped clear up edema in legs. Family constellation work to clear out the story that the body is telling.

-Emailer asks about feeling cold all the time when their thyroid is functioning well. Thyroid blood tests are poor at showing thyroid function. Doing a Broda Barnes temperature test. Feel skin -is it cold? Look for stories about cold – the body has to tell the story if it’s otherwise unacknowledged.

-Robert calls to ask about significance of the size of visible veins and rectal ozone. Ozone puts a free radical insult into the body, takes H off NADH, making it NAD. Want 700/1 NAD to NADH ratio to prime energy system. Ozone in rectal area attaches to fat, becomes ozonide, removes the H.

-Can varicose veins be about our own role as a mother? Probably not. Our project purpose is complete by 1 years old; program has to be in there by then. How long do you need to use sauna to see improvement? Need to ensure hydration, sufficient minerals. Two types of exudate when using sauna- 1st is oily, 2nd is moisture. Stay in sauna until you have perspiration.

-Can we get enough B vitamins from nutritional yeast? Best test: how do you respond? If replete, won’t react to injections of B vitamins.

-Emailer asks about depression from using HealthForce Vitamineral Green SuperFood Powder.

-Possible food sensitivity to an ingredient. Might be a fast burner and need a fat or protein along with it.

-Woman asks how to get rid of facial hair.

and so much more!!
Give Dr. Massey a call for a phone consultation
Call Meridian 512-698-7009

richard massey m.d. and meridian grace, may 26, 2016, hour one

'Dr. Richard Massey and Meridian Grace – Answers to Your Health Questions – May 26, 2016' have 2 comments

  1. May 29, 2016 @ 7:10 am Rob Young

    Interested in finding out more with the Pink Lotion


  2. May 29, 2016 @ 10:41 am ila

    Thank you Meridian Grace for sharing the detailed information on t1 and t2 leading into the green tea and coffee conversation. I’m a coffee drinker do to enjoyment and yet I function much better when I drop out grass family foods and dairy (as yummy as they are). I had no idea coffee was linked to the grass family. I am grateful to this information and to able to assist my clients on improving their health.
    Knowing that grass family foods are one of the root cause of inflammation has been very beneficial in my own health improvements and the sharing of that to others.
    Ila Barlean
    “heal your mind Heal your body Heal your life”


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