An off air interview with Stephen Heuer

Brain Power, Mood and Addictions

It has been said that the average person only uses 10% of their brain.

What if you could increase your brainpower by 10 or 20%, what would that feel like?

What if your mood is a biochemical challenge created by your genetics and not your attitude?

What if your addiction is again the result of being compromised genetically that nutrient intervention can easily address?

Knowledge is power. The more knowledge you have the more you can do. If book learning is boring to you, but you need the knowledge in those books to progress in your skills and ability to earn money. Then wouldn’t it be a huge blessing if you could read and retain what you read more easily? Wouldn’t it be great to get your intellectual work done in half the time, because your brain processes information faster and better?

Due to nutritional deficiencies prior to conception, most people are born with limitations to their optimal physical and mental functioning. If you don’t have a photographic memory and an naturally happy mood and no addictions, then you are one of the majority who came from parents that did not have optimal nutrition prior to your conception or during your gestation. Aberrant marks on your DNA called Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms can stay with you for life.

Or if you’ve had mercury fillings, or vaccines, or been damaged by drug usage or some other environmental insult, then you are amongst the majority. All these injuries compromise the body and brain’s optimal function. Making supplementation essential if you want to experience your best functioning self. Expecting your body and brain to function optimally after these environmental insults have occurred or expecting it to function optimally on a nutrient deficient or toxic biochemistry makes as much sense as expecting your car to run well on a poorly tuned engine and a mixture of gas and water. It defies natural law and will not work.

1. What role does biochemical individuality play in mental health? In the 17th century forward for 300 years it was believed that each child born was born with a blank slate. With his/her personality and other mental qualities “written” on this slate by life experiences. The blank slate principle was expanded by Freud, Adler and others who attributed depression, schizophrenia and other mental disorders to traumatic events, especially those experienced in childhood. This belief led to highly popular psychodynamic therapies. In the 1960’s the treatment of choice for mental illness involved an exploration of negative and positive life experiences. While this method yielded benefits, it was time consuming and expensive and progress was frequently partial in nature or nonexistent. However in the 1970’s it was found that babies are not born with blank slates. But with strong predispositions that affect personality and behavior.

From 1950 to 1970 several well-designed studies examined the impact of life experiences on depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. These studies confirmed that a history of emotional or physical trauma, poverty and deprived living conditions increased the likelihood of these disorders. However, it was found that the greatest predictor of mental illness was not the life experiences but rather a family history of the same disorder. By the mid 1970’s most scientific and medical experts agreed that the dominant cause of most mental illness involved genetic or acquired chemical imbalances that alter brain functioning. Within a few years, psychiatry researchers changed their focus from life experiences to neurotransmitter, receptors and the molecular biology of the brain.

2. Give us a brief explanation as to the chemical functioning of the brain? A typical adult brain has approximately 100 billion brain cells, and an average of 1,000 synaptic connections per cell. We do not receive a lifetime supply of brain chemicals at birth. Instead, the brain is supposed to continuously produce the 39 identified brain chemicals or more on a moment-to-moment basis. The life cycle of a neurotransmitter is as follows:
· Synthesis (generation by chemical reaction)
· Packaging into vesicles
· Release into a synapse
· Interaction with an adjacent cell
· Reuptake (transport back to the original cell for reuse)
· Death (deactivation by chemical reaction).

3. What role can nutrients play in mental health? In 1951 Abram Hoffer and his colleague Humphrey Osmond began experimenting with high doses of niacin and reported major reductions in auditory hallucination and other schizophrenia symptoms. Dr. Hoffer theorized that schizophrenia resulted from excessive levels of adrenaline and adenochrome. New research shows that niacin can powerfully reduce dopamine and adrenaline. Dr. Carl Pfeiffer and Dr. Hoffer discovered a condition termed pyroluria occurring in 20% of schizophrenics. They identified pyroluria as an inborn disorder resulting in severe deficiencies of zinc and vitamin B-6.
· Copper overload is present in most cases of hyperactivity, learning disability, postpartum depression, autism, and paranoid schizophrenia. In another example, undermethylation is often present in antisocial personality disorder, clinical depression, anorexia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The following nutrients are repeatedly seen as causal factors in the aforementioned brain imbalances:
· Copper overload
· Vitamin B6 deficiency
· Zinc deficiency
· Methyl/folate imbalances
· Oxidative stress overload
· Amino acid imbalances
Persons with a genetic or acquired B6 deficiency tend to produce insufficient amounts of brain serotonin and are prone to depression and OCD.

More than 90% of persons diagnosed with depression, behavioral disorders, ADHD, autism and schizophrenia exhibit depleted plasma zinc levels. Zinc deficiency has been associated with delayed growth, temper control problems, poor immune function, depression, poor wound healing, epilepsy, anxiety, neurodegenerative disorders, hormone imbalances and learning problems. Zinc is a component of more that 200 enzymes and is present in RNA polymerase, zinc fingers and the special proteins that have a key role in cell division and genetic expression. Zinc has many important roles in brain function, which include the following:
· Zinc metallothioneins is a key component of the blood-brain barrier that prevents harmful chemical from entering the brain.
· Zinc proteins in the brain combat oxidative free radicals that could destroy brain cells, harm the myelin sheath and alter neurotransmitter levels.
· Zinc is required for the efficient conversion of dietary B6 into P5P, which is needed for efficient synthesis of serotonin, dopamine GABA and other neurotransmitters.
· Zinc deficiency can cause copper overloads that can alter brain levels of dopamine and norepinephrine.
· Zinc deficiency results in altered brain levels of GABA
· Zinc is a neurotransmitter that is stored in vesicles and ejected into synapses.
· Zinc has a special role in the activation and inhibition of NMDA N-Methyl-D-aspartate receptors.
· Genetic or acquired zinc deficiency can usually be corrected within two months using nutrient therapy.

Methyl/folate imbalances:
Low serotonin depressive people thrive on SAM-E but are intolerant to folate. People with symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia thrive of folic acid and react adversely to SAM-e.

Amino Acid Disorders: Due to oxidative stress, excessive mental and physical stress, excessive amounts of energy demands on the mind and body, most people are using up amino acids faster than they can extract them from protein foods. This is why people reach for coffee or alcohol. Coffee stimulates and increases the production of excitatory neurotransmitters while alcohol depresses the nervous system. Both of these goals can be achieved with amino acids. Phenylalanine will make you more alert while Gaba or 5HTP will make you more relaxed.

Fatty Acid imbalance: Most depressives and schizophrenics are deficient in DHA and EPA and thrive on fish derived omega 3 supplements.

Glucose Dysregulation: A significant number of people exhibit chronic low blood glucose levels. Typical symptoms include drowsiness after meals, irritability, craving for sweets, trembling, anxiety and intermittent poor concentration and focus. Treatment can be addressed with Glucofunction and a diet that includes complex carbohydrates. Taking a full spectrum Amino acid supplement like All Basic Plus can greatly improve blood sugar as well.

Toxic Overload: Overloads of mercury, lead and cadmium are common. A high percentage of overmethylated mental patients exhibit server sensitivities to pesticides and toxic industrial chemicals. Effective treatment requires:
· Avoidance of additional exposures
· Nutrients needed to hasten exit of toxins, which should correct underlying biochemical imbalances.
10% of mental illness cases involve serious Malabsorption, more that 90% of autistics exhibit this problem. There are three primary classes of absorption problems:
· Stomach problems, including excessive or insufficient levels of HCL
· Incomplete digest in the small intestine
· Problems at the bush board of the intestine, where most nutrients are absorbed into the portal bloodstream.

4. How can we use nutrients to epigenetically influence our mental health positively? Epigenetics is a rapidly growing field in which investigates alterations in cellular function that does not involve changes to the hard wiring of the DNA.

Many mental disorders result from nutrient imbalances or toxic exposures, which alter gene expression. Advances in nutrient therapy provide a roadmap for overcoming the use of medications.

All cells in the body contain an identical copy of DNA with the potential for producing more than 20,000 proteins. However, the proteins needed in the liver cells are different from those of the skin cells or pancreas and so on. Epigenetics provides the blueprint that specifies the combination of proteins to be manufactured in each tissue. Without epigenetics we could be an amorphous blob of identical cells instead of an organism with arms, eyeball, teeth and other diverse parts. Certain nutrients have a powerful role in determining which genes are expressed or silenced in different tissues, and proper balance between these nutrient factors is essential for good mental health.

Structurally DNA is wrapped around histone tails. If the histone tails are acetylated, genetic expression, which is protein production, is promoted. In contrast, highly methylated histones generally result in silencing of genetic expression.

Methyl and Acetyl Competition:
Methyl groups are delivered to histones by SAMe and acetyl groups by acetyl coenzyme A. Both of these chemical factors are in high concentration through the entire body, both are essential to life. Enzymes regulate the interaction of these compounds with your histone tails. Niacinamide reduces the activity of sirtuin, an important deacetylase enzyme. This in turn lowers dopamine and thus can alleviate anxiety or excessive resistless at night. Alcoholics Anonymous began on the foundation of Niacin usage to alleviate anxiety and facilitate detoxification.

In theory abnormal gene expression can be corrected either temporarily or permanently. Right now all evidence is that these nutrient intervention creates a temporary effect. However, if the abnormal gene expression was acquired from mercury, heavy metals, vaccines or drugs, then your overall genetic blue print is fine and it is merely a matter of replacing the damaged cells with undamaged ones. While this could take 5 to 7 years, it is still a realistic goal and may be possible to achieve with neutraceuticals and correct diet. This will require a consultation. In theory it may be possible to eliminate these abnormal genetic marks by juice or water fasting as well.

5. What role can Meditation play at improving mental health?
Meditation can correct the underlying subconscious beliefs that can cause imbalances to persist. Meditation can enable you to access your spiritual power derived from your soul; which is the energy of peace and love. We all know that these frequencies can make your body become balanced and happy.

6. How does inflammation affect brain function? According to Dr. Walsh, brain inflammation is a common feature of autism. Due to many ASD kids not being able to break down casein and gluten, these proteins can cause brain inflammation. Removing foods that are not digested well can lower brain inflammation. Also we’ve had an ASD child improve markedly when taking One World Whey. Taking OWW appears to support lowering of inflammation and removal of toxins.

7. With proper nutrient intervention what kinds of improvements can be seen? With proper nutrient intervention people with Autism, Schizoaffective disorder, Paranoid Schizophrenia, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, antisocial personality disorder, and Anorexia can be supported and improved sometimes completely.

8. What are signs of someone who is undermethylated?
· Very strong willed
· Competitive at sports
· Obsessive/compulsive tendencies
· Seasonal Allergies
· Addictive Tendencies
· High Libido
· Family history of high accomplishment
· Calm demeanor, but high inner tension
· High fluidity (tears, saliva, etc.)
· Non-compliance with therapies

9. What are the signs of an overmethylated person?
· High Anxiety, sleep disorder
· High energy, verbosity
· Artistic/musical ability
· Antihistamine Intolerance
· High Empathy for Others
· Non-competitive in sports
· Food and chemical sensitivities
· Absence of seasonal Allergies
· Low Libido, Dry Eyes and mouth
· Adverse reaction to SSRI’s, Same, Methionine
· Low blood histamine, Elevated Sam-e (S-adenosylmethionine)/SAH (S-adenosylhomocysteine) ratio.

In case neither of these groups of symptoms seems to apply to you or you have a mixture of both, there is now a test you can do to identify your DNA SNP’s. It is a Saliva test that will reveal your specific SNP’s (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms). This will reveal more precise supplementation that may help you. To access this test, simply email with your name, date of birth and email address and we’ll send you an invitation to access the saliva test kit.

10. What are some of the important functions of Methylation?
Methylation controls DNA repair and detoxification. To adequately methylate a cell is to make it younger. DNA is tightly coiled inside the cell when young and uncoils as it ages. To introduce Methyl groups into the cell can make the DNA to return to a more tightly coiled younger state. Methylation is needed to convert B vitamins into their active state. Eating cooked food causes a large loss of methyl groups. This is why supplementation with methyl donors can make you feel so much younger. Taking Tri Methyl Glycine or TMG for those that need it, can dramatically improve the bodies production of Glutathione and the overall ability to detoxify.

11. If I wanted to increase my brainpower or increase my ability to concentrate, read or write what would you recommend?
· B Complex Plus – 1 cap 2x per day.
· TMG – 1cap 2-3x per day.
· Sam-e – 1cap 2-3x per day.
· All Basic Plus – 1-2caps in a.m. every other day (optional depends upon efficacy of protein digestion).
· Ormus 72 Elements 1-2tsp in a.m.
· Ormus Platinum – 1T in a.m.
· Ormus Gold – 1T at bedtime.
· Intracal – 2 caps 3x per day.
· Synergy One – 3sprays upon arising and at bedtime.

12. If I were depressed due undermethylation symptoms, what would I take?
· B-6 Complex Plus – 1 cap 2x per day.
· TMG – 1cap 2-3x per day.
· Sam-e – 1cap 2-3x per day.
· All Basic Plus – 1-2caps in a.m. every other day (optional depends upon efficacy of protein digestion).
· Ormus 72 Elements 1-2tsp in a.m.
· Ormus Platinum – 1T in a.m.
· Ormus Gold – 1T at bedtime.
· Intracal – 2 caps 3x per day.
· Synergy One – 3sprays upon arising and at bedtime.
· Zinc 30mg – 1 cap 2x per day.
· Bio Energy C – 1tsp 2x per day.
· Vitamin D3 5,000 IU – 1 cap 2x per day.
· Vitamin E – 1 cap 2x per day.
· EPA/DHA – 1cap 2x per day.

13. If I were anxious or paranoid with overmethylated symptoms, what would I take?
· Methyl Assist – 1 cap 2-3x per day.
· Niacitol – 1 cap 2-3x per day.
· Zinc 30mg – 1 cap 2x per day.
· Selenium as Selenomethionine – 1 cap 2x per day.
· Chromium as ChromeMate GTF 600 – 1 cap 1x per day.
· Bio Energy C – 1 tsp. 2x per day.
· Vitamin D 5000 IU – 1 cap 2x per day.
· Vitamin E.
· EPA/DHA – 1 cap 2x per day.
· Ormus Gold – 1-T at bedtime.
· Intracal – 2 caps 3x per day.
· Synergy One – 3 sprays upon arising and at bedtime.

14. If I were addicted to cigarettes, alcohol or marijuana, what would I want to try?
· Methyl Assist – 1 cap 2-3x per day.
· Niacitol – 1 cap 2-3x per day.
· Zinc 30mg – 1 cap 2x per day.
· Selenium as Selenomethionine – 1 cap 2x per day.
· Neu Recover – 1-2 caps 2-3x per day.
· EPA/DHA – 1cap 2-3x per day.
· Ormus Gold – 1T at bedtime.
· Intracal – 2 caps 3x per day.
· Synergy One – 3 sprays upon arising and at bedtime.

15. What foundational minerals do you recommend for everyone wanting better brain function?
· Ormus 72 Elements – 1-2 tsp. in a.m.
· Ormus Platinum – 1T in a.m.
· Ormus Gold – 1T at bedtime.
· Intracal – 2 caps 3x per day.


All products talked about in this interview can be found here

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