Patrick Timpone

2 Hour Special Show

Dr. Irvin Sahni

Dr. Irvin Sahni was featured in Ty Bollinger’s The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest Docu-series. He will join us for a special 2 hour show focusing on cancer and why detoxification through sweating and cleansing the lymphatic system through exercise, specifically by using a rebounder, is crucial for healing. If you missed this excellent series of videos on cancer, please treat yourself and watch them. Just click here.

dr-sahniDr. Sahni graduated from the Baylor College of Medicine in 1996. He works in Seguin, TX and 2 other locations and specializes in Orthopaedic Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery Of Spine. Dr. Sahni is affiliated with Christus Santa Rosa Hosp – NB and Guadalupe Regional Medical Ctr.

Show Highlights:

Dr. Sahni was a roommate with Ty Bollinger in college. Ty lost 7 close family members at that time from cancer.

Dr. Sahni is one of the speakers at The Ultimate Live Symposium – The Truth About Cancer conference.

Dr. Sahni’s mother had breast cancer with a poor prognosis. She followed a naturopathic’s diet recommendations and had chemo. Which cured her cancer?

Causes of spinal degeneration are agents (inflammatory foods, being overweight, dehydration, smoking, alcohol) which have drawn fluid out of the discs between the spinal vertebrae.

Benefits of sauna are more than detox. Helps heart, kidneys, internal organs.

Heat from a sauna forces your body into the parasympathetic state. The body absorbs heat and increases heart rate not by sympathetic stimulation but by temperature increase. Shunts blood to the skin, enables detox by shunting toxins to the surface of the skin, decongests organs. Sweat glands sometimes“not in practice” initially. After more saunas, your body acclimates and sweats easier.

Saunas help release lead and other garbage from the blood. This equilibrates the solution and allows lead to come out of the bones.

Need to regularly use a detox mechanism to deal with continued toxin exposure from everyday living.

Dr. Sahni lost 50 lbs. in 100 days through healthy eating and was questioned by a hospital board whether he was drinking, took drugs, or had a mental illness.

Achieved his weight loss with no exercise through intermittent fasting. IF also useful for diabetes. No food before noon or after 6 pm. No sugar or gluten. Lots of water. When body is depleted of glycogen, it burns fat.

Listener question about toxicity of titanium screws used in orthopedic surgery. Most dangerous medical use of titanium is in metal-to-metal total hip replacement.

80% of sciatica will resolve by itself over 8 months.

All spine surgery is about freeing up the nerves. For back pain, worth trying chiropractic or anything reasonable to avoid surgery. Dr. Sahni often uses epidural injections to break the pain cycle. Loss of function may require surgery.

Interval training is highly effective. 1 hour of interval training is equal to 6 hours of jogging nonstop. Dr. Sahi has used various timing combinations of repeated cycles of intense exercise on and off.

Toweling off to remove toxins released in a sauna. Don’t take a cold shower right after sauna.

Hot saunas vs. near infrared saunas vs. far infrared saunas. Refer to Dr. Lawrence Wilson’s sauna book.

Cancer cells can’t dissipate heat. Heating them up kills them, as well as depriving them of sugar and feeding lots of oxygen. Pathogens don’t do well in heat either.

ReboundAir has handles available, making it usable for anyone able to stand, including those needing support, such as nursing home patients. Use of the rebounder is therapeutic even if the feet don’t leave the mat when bouncing. The health bounce does more for the lymphatic system than when the feet leave the mat.

Lymph system absorbs excess fluid pushed out from the vascular system. Lymph doesn’t have its own circulatory mechanism; it depends on the muscles to pump lymph through the body. Rebounding is easy on the joints – absorbs 85% of the impact.

Increasing circulation is good for cancer. BEMER vascular therapy shrinks tumor cells.

Best way to increase release of pharmaceutical debris in the nerves? Near infrared light therapy. Used by Dr. Thomas Burke to clear up a gangrenous diabetic wound.

Why do bones degenerate? It’s a hormone thing. Rebounding good for building bone mass, plus calcium, vitamin D3.

Fixing a vertebral compression fracture with an injection of bone cement.

Pre-cancer DNA breakages continually occur. If the body is healthy and nontoxic, it heals them on its own.

Rolfing and myofascial release for back issues?

Flexner Report – supported by the Rockefellers, written with the intent to support pharmaceutical medicine and destroy holistic medicine.

What to do for shoulder arthritis?

Medicare reimbursement is much higher for doing a procedure or prescribing a drug than educating a patient. The only way to fix the medical system is to take personal responsibility. The system is headed for collapse. Hospitals not accepting Obamacare.

Visit Dr. Sahni’s website

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dr irwin sahni m.d. saunas, moving the lymph through rebounding and much more, october 6, 2016, hour one

'Dr. Irvin Sahni – Two Keys To Attaining Optimal Health: Sweating and Moving the Lymph System – October 6, 2016' have 4 comments

  1. October 9, 2016 @ 7:22 pm Linda Bissell

    LOVED THIS INTERVIEW! I learned new things I had not heard before. This is why I tell everyone that I can to Listen into
    I love being able to go to the archived past shows-so much varied information and guests to listen to. Hope you have Dr.Sahni on again. Patrick is so sharp and fun to listen to. I also really enjoy Sharon and Patrick on fridays.


  2. October 13, 2016 @ 8:17 pm Rex

    You can take a cold shower right after a hot sauna.
    In fact it is a naturopathic therapy that works.
    A chill pool dip also is recommended.


  3. November 1, 2016 @ 6:28 pm Jackey

    I enjoyed this show so much. Dr. Sahni is a great and sincere speaker. This information is invaluable. Just ordered my bulbs and looking forward to detoxing with the near infrared bulbs.


  4. November 4, 2016 @ 1:40 pm ken

    you CAN take a cold shower but we’ve just learned this shouldn’t be done every time. IF you want the anti-cancer
    benefits to continue for a longer period, let the body cool down naturally.
    every sauna user i know insists on the hot/cold mantra
    it’s all about balance.


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