
Patrick Timpone


Dr. Richard Massey

with Meridian Grace

Your Health Questions Answered

“Meridian and Dr. Massey are two of my favorite guests. They bring the funny out in Patrick. I love listening to Meridian’s soothing voice and all the laughter.” –Karen S.

Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine.
Meridian Grace has over 40 years of experience and worked with thousands of clients. Since she was 14 years old, she knew that high quality life includes spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Tirelessly researching all these years, she integrates the wisdom of the ancients with the most up to date technology. She continually attends workshops, classes, and seminars to explore new ideas and technology in all aspects of the holistic health field. Meridian greets you with a compassionate listening heart.

Massey and Meridian

Show Highlights

-Dr. Massey’s thyroid and testicles tested as radioactive, as measured by a Smart Geiger, a $30 mobile phone app that measures radiation. Found radioactivity in the open container of amino acid supplements he takes for neurotransmitter support.

-Iodine and chlorella helpful for countering radiation, but if grown in radioactive conditions, they will be radioactive and worsen radiation toxicity. Seaweed products are suspect.

-Tony Pantalleresco’s remedy for radioactivity is bathing in 1 cup each of epsom salts, baking soda, and borax. TSP also good.

-Sharon Hemphill and is battling the Texas Medical Board, who wants to increase their unsupervised years from 10 to 12. Bias against holistic practitioners by Texas Medical Board, which is a for-profit business of commerce regulation.

-Neurological function of US children is in decline.

-Ketogenic diet and Keto-OS helpful for transitioning off sugar.

-Patrick McGean advises using sulfur to repair from radiation exposure. Says 2 US sailors from USS Reagan have died from Fukishima radiation exposure.

-New detox protocol to clean the cell and support cell membranes and mitochondria. Removes heavy metal, biotoxins, and radiation. Send email to for info. Cleaning at the cellular level vs. the body level of usual detox methods.

-Glycine oil is good for the skin.

-Using the Hegelian Dialectic of problem-thesis-antithesis-solution to create false health solutions.

-Microbiotic support to support health of mitochondria. Want to support healthy biome, not kill it.

-High standards of Whole Foods pork.

-Adrenal issues reflect a conflict in direction.

-Restore for gut health

-Listener asks, can you apply colostrum to the skin for MRSA? Great mask, but it’s drying. Restore, by Dr. Zach Bush, is good for a glyphosate leaky-gut; restores tight junctions. Take colostrum 15 minutes before every meal.

-Denise says microwave ovens and glyphosate are banned in Russia.

-“It’s the way we pass the baton onto the next runner.” Dr. Massey.

-Robert shares a master’s secrets to a long life: lots of saliva, mother’s milk, 2 almonds/day, not too much sex. Neo-40 is a popular nitrite supplement; is nitrite good for you? Are nitrates bad for you? Is pork bad for you? Any benefit to no-added-nitrate bacon?

-Trent benefited from MMS treatment for his MRSA infection. Asked about UVBI disinfection treatment. There are no blood vessels in the jaw, so no antibiotics can reach jaw bone infections.

-Controversy over how to prepare MMS. Baking soda helps palatability.

-Glyphosates stop cellular communication. Restore supplement helps reverse that. Available in ORN store.

-Turpentine vs MMS. Meridian puts castor oil in a capsule and takes it with turpentine/sugar.

-Patrick McGean says sulfur makes glyphosate leave.

-Movie recommendations: “Love Actually”, “Noel”, and “Christmas In The Clouds”.

-Can recall healing help in finding one’s purpose in life? Matt Kahn has YouTubes on how to get in touch with one’s purpose. Recall Healing consults with Dr. Massey.

-Surthrival products have free shipping through 12/16/16.

-To protect the immune system, take elderberry, vitamins A and C, and RestAid. Nebulize with colloidal silver and hydrogen peroxide in water.

-Using Sulfur Salts from ORN store to clear out thyroid receptor sites.

-How to get fluoride out of bath water: Iodine won’t remove it, but can negate the effects of fluoride. We can neutralize fluoride’s effect in the body with magnesium and epsom salts.

and more!
Give Dr. Massey a call for a phone consultation
Call Meridian 512-698-7009


dr richard massey m.d. and meridian grace with fun and information on health, december 15, 2016, one

'Dr. Richard Massey with Meridian Grace – Your Health Questions Answered – December 15, 2016' have 8 comments

  1. December 16, 2016 @ 6:18 am Celeste

    Blessings on Dr. Massey! I YouTubed Kathleen Madigan comedy that he mentioned last time and laughed so much. It was the best medicine ever. Thank you sooooooooooo much.


  2. December 17, 2016 @ 5:23 pm Steve

    Regarding Trent’s bout with a staph infection, listen to Richard Pearl interview Gavin Gear, founder of ManukaGuard which produces medical grade honey (as well as consumer dietary grade). It is FDA approved for treating several classes of wounds, and is clinically proven 100% effective against staph infection. Besides the antibacterial properties, the honey nourishes, supports tissue regrowth, and reduces inflammation. Richard had Gavin on his 7-12-2014 and 2-6-2016 shows. After listening to those discussions, you’ll be dripping with knowledge about Manuka honey! I’ve combined those podcasts here: At 23 minutes Richard brings up the idea of using the honey as an infection prevention when root canals are present, and Gavin agreed. On Janet Perry’s interview earlier this week she mentioned that DMSO will penetrate bone, so perhaps it would be good to combine that with the honey to get to a root canal infection.

    Richard’s live “Pearls of Health” shows are Saturday, 12pm Central on, and you can find his show archives since 3-29-2015 at He’s planning on adding a Monday show soon.


  3. December 17, 2016 @ 6:51 pm Maryanna

    RE: Leaky Gut repair. I am 63 and had severe leaky gut for many years and could not heal it despite endless rounds of a TON of supplements and eating totally organically and going on special diets, including candida diet and paleo. Finally this January, I did a turpentine parasite cleanse (thank you to Dr. Daniels!) for 4 months and got tons and tons of critters out of me. No wonder I had leaky gut! They were eating holes in me! (And note – I have done the usual herbal parasite cleanse every few years for decades and never once saw 1/1000th of what I got out with turpentine!)

    Still wrestling with leaky gut after the parasite cleanse, I did a 23-day water-only fast in September. THAT healed my leaky gut completely! It also drained away all the infection from a recent infected tooth I’d had pulled AND dissolved at least a half dozen lumps I had in my legs and breasts. It was hard and miserable to do but so worth it!

    Since coming off the fast I’ve been eating according to classic food combining principles and now, finally, my digestion and elimination are the best I’ve had in my whole life! No more undigested foods in my stool, no more ravenous hunger and no more brain fog and fatigue. I am once again able to eat grains and not suffer! (I’ve been off sugar for decades and remain so.) AND I was able to go off all supplements except kelp and fish oil and no longer have restless leg syndrome or insomnia or leg cramps or fatigue or any of the myriad of things I was taking them for prior to my ‘year of health’.

    I credit my good health to listening to Radio One Network and thank you heartily for all the wonderful info you provide!


  4. December 17, 2016 @ 7:28 pm Rex

    Electricity for the jaw


  5. December 17, 2016 @ 7:35 pm Rex

    Borax for floride removal


  6. December 18, 2016 @ 3:03 am Rex

    There is no controversy about master mineral solution.
    Its a precurser kit to make chlorine dioxide which ,diluted in water, kills infections.
    The general protocol 1000 is your tolerable amount EACH hour for 8-10 hours.increasing to 3 drops each hour.
    NO BAKING SODA in the citric acid plus sodium chlorite solution.
    No baking soda.
    The hydrochloric acid activator is gentler than citric acid.
    Both generate gas clo2 which can be routed into a water bottle to make cds.which meridian wont throw up.
    The mms protocols are on you tube
    Facts about CD w kerri rivera is on you tube.
    Chlorine dioxide works fast and good.
    It hurts drug sales and will be banned soon but availiable through priscription.
    Danial broke federal law through advertising trespassing when selling cd kits.
    We could see trouble coming for daniel before it happened.


  7. December 18, 2016 @ 3:05 am Rex

    There is no controversy about master mineral solution.
    Its a precurser kit to make chlorine dioxide which ,diluted in water, kills infections.
    The general protocol 1000 is your tolerable amount EACH hour for 8-10 hours.increasing to 3 drops each hour.
    NO BAKING SODA in the citric acid plus sodium chlorite solution.
    No baking soda.
    The hydrochloric acid activator is gentler than citric acid.
    Both generate gas clo2 which can be routed into a water bottle to make cds.which meridian wont throw up.
    The mms protocols are on you tube
    Facts about CD w kerri rivera is on you tube.
    Chlorine dioxide works fast and good.
    It hurts drug sales and will be banned soon but availiable through priscription.
    Danial broke federal law through advertising trespassing when selling cd kits.
    We could see trouble coming for daniel before it happened.


  8. December 21, 2016 @ 2:52 pm James

    At about 49min into the 1st half, thank you for telling the truth: it’s all a bunch of crap.


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The information on this website and talk shows is solely for informational and entertainment purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Neither the Editors, producers of One Radio Network, Patrick Timpone, their guests or web masters take responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, dietary modification, action or application of medication which results from reading or following the information contained on this website in written or audio form, live or podcasts. The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider and take total responsibility for his or her actions at all times. Patrick Joseph of the family of Timpone, a man...All rights reserved, without recourse.