
Patrick Timpone


Tony Pantalleresco

Just a Guy Who Knows Some Great Stuff About Health

We learned about Tony Pantalleresco through a request from one of our listeners in the UK and he has quickly become one of our most popular guests. Extremely passionate about natural health, Tony has a plethora of videos on YouTube covering a huge variety of topics such as: Making all kinds of extracts, seed milks, nut milks, detox meals and smoothies, juices, chelators, anti-oxidant formulas. Getting rid of cold sores, dealing with skin issues and erectile dysfunction. Making meat safer to eat and making fortified butter/ghee. And the list goes on and on.


Show Highlights:

-To date, Tony has 113 videos to enjoy on You Tube

-Sodium Thiosulfate for reducing the toxic load on the body. Tony explains Morgellons. Why are some afflicted and others are not?

-GMO foods change the bacterial environment in your gut. Why some of us just cannot beat Candida

-Tying some of the latest disease to chemtrails and nanoparticles

-What are polymers and why are they so bad for the body?

-What causes floaters in the eyes?

-The idea of not eating salt is beyond stupid, Tony explains why

-What does Tony us Sarsaparilla for?

-Becoming aware of the word “natural”. What in the world does it mean? Tony spooks us with some pretty outrageous claims of ingredients used in foods

-Soy shuts down the thyroid among other things. Tonys rant against soy is fierce. In short: STOP EATING SOY!

-A listener wants to know which cheap water filtering system to buy

-Tony talks enzymes

-Can you get enough iodine by eating kelp?

-Iodine for hot flashes

-Reading your favorite supplements labels

-What does Tony think of Ascorbic acid?

-Why do most people have a problem sleeping between 2-4 am?

-Not getting hung up on a certain diet

-Helping with heal spurs

-Vegetarian brown rice protein powders: Are they any good?

-Some advice for a listeners wife suffering from breast cancer

Check out some of Tonys videos

Email Tony

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tony pantalleresco, august 12, 2013, hour one

'Tony Pantalleresco – “I’ve taken lots of stuff over the years, and this STS is the most powerful experience ever” – August 12, 2013' have 5 comments

  1. August 12, 2013 @ 10:52 pm oatstao

    Tony is one of the most generous souls on Youtube and in person.

    He has his shoppe right around the corner from my Aunt’s house in Windsor.

    Great to see he’s catching on worldwide!! peace


    • January 1, 2018 @ 10:06 am tracey

      Nice to know , I have tried so many things for unknown illness in uk , hate the doctors and herbs have made me have some sort of life , tony has given me so many ideas on a small budget and made me think differently on many things , people think I’m mad but illness drives people for answers and tony has many, don’t let them change you tony people like me depend on people like you! X


  2. August 15, 2013 @ 12:00 am Mick

    This guy never ceases to amaze me. I am currently gathering up all the ingredients needed for his polymer bath extraction. Can’t wait to try it!


  3. August 20, 2013 @ 7:36 am Marie anne

    You are great Tony, thank you for your info.


  4. April 24, 2019 @ 5:52 pm Marianne Fowler

    How do I get the information on breast cancer and what is refraction


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