Patrick Timpone


Jam Packed 3 Hour Show


Tony Pantalleresco

Just a Guy Who Knows Some Great Stuff About Health

We learned about Tony Pantalleresco through a request from one of our listeners in the UK and he has quickly become one of our most popular guests. Extremely passionate about natural health, Tony has a plethora of videos on YouTube covering a huge variety of topics such as: Making all kinds of extracts, seed milks, nut milks, detox meals and smoothies, juices, chelators, anti-oxidant formulas. Getting rid of cold sores, dealing with skin issues and erectile dysfunction, detoxing heavy metals. Tony offers an endless list of recipes for remedies to make at home.


Show Highlights:

-What does it mean to have AIDS? Is it really a disease? Are the diseases of today lab created?

-The dangers of nano silver

-How salt works to flush out poisons and nano particles from the body

-Weaponizing the food supply

-Tony tells us how he is reversing cavities

-Fortifying your system to fight off the assaults we’re under from chemtrails, GMO’s, bad water and nano particles

-Chemtrails vs. contrails: There’s a big difference between the two

-Remember when ‘acid rain’ was a conspiracy theory?

-Tony’s top 4 ideas on detoxification and healing

-Listener question:What would you suggest for boosting digestion? I am currently trying hydrochloric acid using 4 tablets after each meal and will decrease by one when I feel it’s effects. (Slight burning). Can these be diluted in water after a meal? Any suggestions on making this process easier?

-The sky is felling on everybody so it’s time to overcome separational barriers

-Remineralizing teeth and bones

-Listener question:My 80 year old mother had open heart surgery a few years ago and had a her calcified valve replaced with a biological one. She looks likes she has terrible circulation in her legs. They are full of varicose veins, and are almost purple in color. Every time she hurts her leg it takes a very long time to heal. She also looks like she has a fungal infection on her feet with dry skin and some yellowing in the toenails. Her knee and ankle swell up and hurt frequently. What could she do to maintain her new valve for as long as possible as well as increase the circulation in her legs? Would taking serapeptase help or some other enzymes?

-Recommendations for joint pain and stiffness in knees and fingers

-Natural sunscreen recipe

-Why does Tony think adding cream and milk in coffee is a bad idea?

-Which brand of Lugols iodine is the best?

-The soy/cancer connection

-How to approach irritable bowel syndrome

-How does one usemonosodium phosphate

-Is there anything we can do to protect us from Ebola, anthrax and other ‘lab’ creations coming our way?

-Tips for aging and saggy skin

and so much more!


Tony Pantalleresco - Herbalist

Tony Pantalleresco – Herbalist

Some products Tony often uses in his healing recipes


Check out some of Tonys videos

Email Tony at

Visit Website

tony pantalleresco and healing at home, july 14, 2014. hour one

'Tony Pantalleresco – We’re Dealing with A New Paradigm; We Need Each Other’s Ideas To Help Take Charge of Our Health – July 14, 2014' have 4 comments

  1. July 15, 2014 @ 8:08 am roger

    Sodium Thiosulfate, Anhydrous
    Sodium Thiosulfate, Pentahydrate what do we use?


  2. July 16, 2014 @ 8:03 am Trevor

    Doesn’t matter; you add either to water anyway.


  3. July 17, 2014 @ 11:41 pm Marc

    Tony’s the best! He makes me laugh on every interview and I learn something every time. Great interviews!!


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