Absolutely, not…in fact just the opposite has been found to occur in cellular research studies. It is a mistaken belief that drinking pure distilled water reduces valuable minerals from living human tissues.


There are two types of minerals, organic and inorganic. Human physiology has a biological affinity for organic minerals. Most organic minerals for our body functions come from dietary plant foods. A growing plant converts the inorganic minerals from the soils to a useful organic mineral. When an organic mineral (from a plant food) enters the stomach it must attach itself to a specific protein-molecule (chelation) in order to be absorbed, then it gains access to the tissue sites where it is needed. Once a plant mineral is divested within the body, it is utilized as a coenzyme for composing body fluids, forming blood and bone cells, and the maintaining of healthy nerve transmission. (Balch & Balch 1990)

Without a healthy organic mineral balance inside and outside the cells of muscle, blood, and bone substructures, the body will began to spasm, twitch and cramp, eventually deteriorating to a full “rigor complex”, and/or complete failure.


Tap water presents a variety of inorganic minerals which our body has difficulty absorbing. Their presence is suspect in a wide array of degenerative diseases, such as hardening of the arteries, arthritis, kidney stones, gall stones, glaucoma, cataracts, hearing loss, emphysema, diabetes, and obesity. What minerals are available, especially in “hard” tapwater, are poorly absorbed, or rejected by cellular tissue sites, and, if not evacuated, their presence may cause arterial obstruction, and internal damage. (Dennison 1993, Muehling 1994, Banik 1989)


Is it any wonder why the body prefers the richest source of mineral substrates from organic foods instead of themineral-poor sources from tap water? Even if the human tissue suddenly developed the ability to absorb inorganic minerals from tap water, it would take an enormous amount of tapwater to supply the bare minimal mineral quantities for human life functions. If (for example) the rich inorganic mineral content of the tap water in Reno, Nevada were modified so that it would convert the daily Calcium requirement (RDA) from its inorganic calcium solutes, one would have to drink 7.4 gallons of their tap water!


Distilled Pure Water will not conduct electricity when only 2 parts inorganic minerals or less are present. Water with 5 parts inorganic content per million parts water (or more) will conduct electricity, completing a simple circuit and lighting a tester bulb! The higher the inorganic content is in a per million count, the less effectively water transmits organic minerals to tissue sites. Bottled water, tapwater, reverse-osmosis filtered water, and carbon-block filtered water (when tested) will conduct electricity, substantiating that each one is not the best carrier for the mineral-transport and mineral-absorption (Muehling 1994). Our tapwater in the USA has been shown to contain 19 “inorganic metals of concern”(1994 Safe Water Drinking Act), for which maximum contaminant levels have been set. (Tone 1994) Most American tapwater tested falls between the ranges of 350 parts per million to over 1000 parts per million total contaminants! (Colgan 1993)


Does drinking distilled water leach the minerals from the body? No, quite the opposite…if inorganic minerals are “removed” from tapwater, by converting it into pure distilled water, the result is remarkable biological mineral absorption for both health and maximal metabolic activity. The application of this query has a remarkably high correlation to the general properties of maximal absorption rates, for all micronutrients which traverse the gastric chambers directly into the muscle cells for premium performance demand.


Muehling EC, “Pure Water Now: Its Time For Action,” 2cd Ed., Pure Water Inc., Lincoln, Neb., 1994:1-42.

Dennison C, “Why I Drink Distilled Water”, Reprint Form 6300, Pure Water Inc., Lincoln, Neb.,1993.

Tone J, “Your Drinking Water-How Good Is It?”, National Testing Laboratories Inc., Cleveland, Ohio,1994:21.

Banik AE, “The Choice Is Clear,” ACRES USA, Metaire, Louisiana, 1989:37.

Balch JF, Balch PA, PRESCRIPTION FOR NUTRITIONAL HEALING, Avery Publishing Co., Garden City, NY, 1990:17.

Colgan M, OPTIMUM SPORTS NUTRITION, Advanced Research Press, New York, NY, 1993:23-24.

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'Distilled Water Enhances Mineral Absorption' have 2 comments

  1. March 24, 2014 @ 2:51 pm Lucretia


    I studied under Bernard Jensen and do recall he said only to drink distilled water for a few months. He said it WOULD leach minerals from the body. Dr. Jerry Tennant, MD (author of “Healing is Voltage”) said just to show how dangerous it is in sucking minerals out of the body, if one put a few drops in the eye it can blind the person as it sucks minerals out of the eye lens!

    Here is a link on what Bernard Jensen felt about distilled water:
    “Drinking too little water and/or the wrong kinds of water. I recommend only spring water as one’s long-term drinking water. Distilled is okay but only for several months. Carbon-filtered tap water is next best. Avoid all others. “


    • March 25, 2014 @ 11:20 am Fade

      ‘Carbon-filtered tap water is next best. ‘

      Bernard Jensen clearly has a price and has been paid.


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