By Atom Bergstrom

Spring water is indeed “natural,” but test it before you drink it.Atoms Blog 2

Natural spring water varies in chemical content.

Alkali springs contain alkaline carbonates, carbonic acid gas, purgative salines, magnesium-reducing bacteria, etc.

Alum springs contain hydrated potassium aluminum sulfate, etc.

Arsenic springs contain arsenic, sulfur, arsenate-reducing bacteria, etc.

Calcic springs contain calcium hydroxide, etc.

Ferruginous springs contain iron carbonate, manganese, iron-reducing bacteria, manganese-reducing bacteria, etc.

Fluoride springs contain naturally-occurring fluoride, etc.

Lithia springs contain lithium carbonate, lithium chloride, etc.

Radioactive springs contain radium-226, radium-228, radon, uranium-238, thorium-232, etc.

Saline springs contain sodium salts, calcium salts, magnesium salts, etc.

Soda springs contain carbon dioxide gas (soda water), etc.

Sulfur springs contain hydrogen sulfide gas, metal sulfides, sulfate-reducing bacteria, etc.

Sweet springs are lacking in mineral salts, sulfur, etc.

Thermal springs could contain various minerals, including radium, radon, uranium, and thorium.

Spring water can also contain protozoa, bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other water-borne contaminants.

I generally prefer distilled water, but was a regular user of Harding Spring water, a tapped spring in Oak Creek Canyon, when I lived in Sedona, Arizona.

About the author:

A Body & Organ Language specialist and promoter of Time Conscious Eating and Longevity Lifestyles, Gosta Ingvar “ATOM” Bergstrom was raised in New Jersey and the San Fernando Valley of Southern California.

Atom has been teaching workshops and seminars across the U.S.A. since 1977. With over 50 years experience in health and nutrition, Atom has been counseling people with various diseases and ailments since the 70’s. His expertise is on nutrition, chronobiology, reflexology, slit-lamp iridology, meditation, Sufi, and I Ching and other holistic modalities. He graduated from Adano Ley’s Texas Institute of Reflex Sciences in 1979.


'Spring Water Varies In Chemical Composition' has 1 comment

  1. December 21, 2017 @ 9:10 pm gebi

    damn, your wet behind the ears …. Atom!


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