Tuesday, February 07, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
(NaturalNews) A dangerous new disease known as ROFL has stricken internet users, and scientists are alarmed that it may spread through ethernet and wi-fi. The disease started with the release of the new “TSA Help Wanted” video created by the Health Ranger at NaturalNews.com, and it has since spread across Facebook, Twitter and independent websites, infecting millions.

For those who dare risk being stricken by ROFL, the video is available now at:

or on YouTube, until they censor it, at:

The CDC has urged parents to have their children vaccinated against ROFL disease in order to “protect them from the internet,” which is dangerous because it allows the free flow of ideas criticizing tyrannical government. Vaccines are expected to help quell the fast-spreading pandemic by causing widespread brain damage thanks to their chemical adjuvants and aluminum content.

Bill Gates is reportedly working with Merck to develop an even more powerful ROFL vaccine that will soon be made available at CVS pharmacies in the form of Valentine’s Day cards featuring the slogan, “Nothing says LOVE better than a needle.”

Beware of “TSA Help Wanted” video – it’s contagious!

The Health Ranger’s “TSA Help Wanted” satire video portrays a TSA help wanted ad that appeals to the “pathetic losers” of America who can’t find employment anywhere else. It reveals comedic, hilarious and perverted scenes of TSA agents drooling over naked body scanner images and molesting little children — which is, of course, what they do every single day at airports across America.

Watch it now at:

Given that the TSA actually placed help wanted ads on pizza boxes, this satire ad isn’t too far from the truth, explained Mike Adams, the activist creator of the satire video. “It is an established fact that TSA employees distribute child porn, steal electronics from the bags of passengers, plant fake cocaine in their luggage, sell stolen items on eBay and exhibit a kind of pathetic ego-driven tyranny that you might typically find acted out by a schoolyard bully,” said Adams. “Our satire video simply portrays these factual characteristics of TSA employees in a comedic fashion as a way of exercising free expression in criticizing a known criminal operation.”

Adams hopes that his video will encourage discussion about de-funding the TSA and eliminating the entire department from the federal government. He does not intend for the video to infect anyone else with ROFL disease, however.

“The TSA operates in total violation of the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution’s Bill of Rights,” explains Adams. “The actions taken by its employees, such as reaching into the pants and touching the genitals of travelers, are felony crimes that should be prosecuted as such.” Accordingly, the TSA remains a gang of unindicted criminals committing human rights violations crimes every single day across America, says Adams.

See more dangerous ROFL videos

“TSA Help Wanted” is the latest in a series of activism videos, songs, articles and cartoons created by Mike Adams, whose comedic, activism-oriented articles are read by over four million people each month. Other activism projects include:

“Don’t Touch My Junk” – a song and music video created and performed by Adams:

“Just Say No to GMOs” – another song and music video featuring Adams:

“Suspicious Activity at Wal-Mart” – a hilarious poke at Janet Napolitano’s “see something say something” campaign that encourages Americans to spy on each other:

“General Mills Total Mind Games” – a satire comedy skit about the missing fruits in General Mills breakfast cereals:

“Vaccine Zombie” – an animated music video exposing the total medical quackery of over-vaccination:

Join the NaturalNews Activism team

Adams encourages people who are fed up with TSA tyranny, vaccine-pushing quacks and fluoride-poisoning bureaucrats to join the NaturalNews Activism movement at:


With the help of millions of new activists, Adams says he secretly plans to spread the ROFL pandemic with yet more videos, cartoons and articles on subjects such as the FDA, DEA, USDA, LOL, OMG and of course TEOTWAWKI.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/034898_TSA_help_wanted_video.html#ixzz1lgyF8GTg

'TSA Help Wanted comedy animation video causes ROFL pandemic across the internet, warns CDC (satire)' has no comments

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