Reactions Across the Web to Yesterdays Rawsome Raid

I have a neighbor who is selling illegal drugs out of his house. I have reported it to the police multiple times and they do nothing. Maybe if I tell the police he is selling raw milk out of his house they will actually come out and do something!!

Can’t keep people, drugs, or weapons from coming across the border, but somehow our government finds the time and inclination to bust private raw milk joints like Rawesome. This is all very sad. Please repost this and put it up everywhere. We need to continue making noise about it. Thanks! More…..

The cops involved in this arrest should be ashamed of themselves. As they work with the FDA(state sponsored terrorists) to essentially ban organic raw food, they are hurting their own families as well.

Monsanto and GMO foods in general are destroying the health and food freedom of the world and the FDA is seemingly working alongside these gigantic multinational corporations to attack non organic foods while at the same time approving openly toxic ingredients including aspartame, and high fructose corn syrup.

We are basically being told that we will be poisoned no matter what. Raw milk is supposedly dangerous but aspartame is safe for human consumption? What planet do we live on?

If they were really worried about the public’s safety they’d arrest the vaccine manufacturers, the fluoride pushers in the water. Just corporate thugs making sure that if you do business you only do it through large corporate interests. They just want total corporate/government control.

This is fascism. Stay aware of additional crimes against the public. – Rawfoodie More…

The Rawesome Raid and The Sanctity of the Contract


by Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist on August 4, 2011

in Activism

While Mrs. Obama plants an organic garden on the White House lawn and tours around the country promoting her pet project of adding salad bars to public school cafeterias to fight childhood obesity, Mr. Obama’s out of control and power crazed Executive Branch – namely the FDA, USDA, and CDC are sponsoring terrorist raids against organic health food store operators and small farms all over the nation.

The latest raid took place yesterday at Rawesome Foods, a private club in Venice CA. The armed raid was the culmination of a year long investigation in which undercover government operatives purchased unpasteurized goat milk, cheese, yogurt and kefir at farmer’s markets and at Rawesome.

While this raid and the subsequent arrest of three innocent citizens was clearly outrageous and illegal in every sense of the word, my biggest concern is how the private contracts between Rawesome, its primary farm supplier Healthy Family Farms and its customers are being completely ignored and swept under the rug by government authorities.

The contract, after all, is a primary vehicle in the exercise of this economic system we call Capitalism. When the contract falls upon shaky ground and is not recognized by the governing authorities as the binding and legal agreement that it is, the entire economic system becomes seriously at risk.

In the case of Rawesome, the issue appears to be the use of herdshare or boarding agreements for its dairy goats. Other goat farmers in California have experienced similar problems. Mike Hulme of Evergreen Acres in San Jose received a cease and desist letter from the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office. Mr. Hulme along with several owners of the goats boarded at his farm are suing the State and County for denying their fundamental right to enter into an agreement to board livestock.

Since when are private citizens in the United States of America denied the right to enter into private contractual agreements with each other?

This shocking development has occurred in tandem with the escalation of the Federal government’s efforts to destroy private food organizations whose intent is to obtain nutrient dense foods directly from small family farms. Clearly the government will stop at nothing – including denial of fundamental rights – to prevent consumers from circumventing the disastrous and recall plagued food distribution system monopolistically controlled by Big Ag and Big Food.

If you live anywhere in Southern California, please plan to attend the protest rally on the Los Angeles Courthouse steps on August 4 at 8am PDT.

This protest is about more than Rawesome, although getting these three innocent citizens released as quickly as possible is certainly of paramount importance. This protest is about the sanctity of the contract, freedom of food choice and the right to conduct private business without the interference of government authorities.

If you are not in the Los Angeles area and want to help, please consider donating to the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund which assists business owners, consumers, and farmers with legal advice and representation during times of harassment such as this.


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