23rd November 2012

By Scott Morefield

The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, the ‘Father of Medicine,’ once said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” He was the first recorded physician to teach that disease wasn’t caused by superstition or the gods, but rather by diet, lifestyle, and environmental factors.

In an age when humans knew virtually nothing about their own anatomy (dissection was considered taboo), Hippocrates had great success treating illnesses by easing the natural process through which the human body is equipped to heal itself.

Hippocrates also said, “Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.” Today many medical practitioners, with their vaccinations, over-prescribing, and often destructive treatments that ignore the root causes of disease, routinely violate primum non nocere (first, do no harm), the foundational principle derived from the Hippocratic Oath, a principle that has been taught in medical schools for generations.

Unfortunately, these days there’s just no money in natural health and preventative medicine. It’s far more profitable for the ‘system’ to encourage practices that actually make people sick over the long haul (processed food filled with GMOs, vaccinations, fluoride, paraben-laden products, artificial sweeteners, harmful, cancer causing tests such as mammograms, etc.), than to promote practices, such as the consumption of super-foods and the elimination of toxins from our body and our surrounding environment (as much as possible), that actually prevent disease and encourage good health. After all, if the body heals itself or never gets sick in the first place, how is ‘Big Medicine’ going to make their piles upon piles of cash?

This brings us to this excellent list of super-foods, each of which possesses unique combinations of vitamins and minerals the body needs to heal itself, fight off disease, and stay healthy. These aren’t foods that are found in the typical chain-restaurant meal or even in some non-organic grocery store shelves, but they are well worth the effort it takes to find them and learn to incorporate them into your regular diet. This is a great list of seven to start with, but there are so many more. Let food be your medicine – even if it’s more expensive in the short-run, it sure beats the price of cancer!

Pictureby JES Restaurant Equipment

Previous Article by Scott

About the Author

Scott is a blogger, writer, and researcher whose primary focus is how to raise healthy kids despite a system and status quo that makes it as difficult as possible. He and his wife, Kim, live in the hills of east Tennessee with their four small children. He holds an MBA from East Tennessee State University. Scott has written over 20 articles for the natural health website NaturalNews.com. In addition, Scott and Kim blog about parenting, marriage, healthy lifestyle, nutrition, and homesteading at amorefieldlife.com. Connect with them on Facebook at facebook.com/amorefieldlife.

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