Adya Clarity (black mica extract) concerns answered in revealing interview with Roy Dittman, integrative medicine scientist

Wednesday, November 02, 2011
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger


(NaturalNews) In the aftermath of the apology and recall issued on the Adya Clarity product by its top North American distributor, many people are concerned about whether they may have inadvertently exposed themselves to toxic levels of iron or aluminum, the two most common elements found in the Adya Clarity product (derived from Themarox, also referred to as “black mica extract”).


To help answer these questions, I spoke to Roy Dittman, OMD, co-publisher of books on the implications of metals on fetal brain development and an integrative medicine practitioner who is well versed in raw food vegan dietary choices.

He is also a key developer of the “Original Quinton” product (, a marine solution harvested from ocean phytoplankton. For the record, this is not a competing product with Adya Clarity, which is only licensed as an “iron supplement.” In addition, Roy Dittman has played a key role in several biotech companies from the conventional science world. He has a very diverse background ranging from holistic medicine to conventional biotechnology. He is, for example, a founding member of the California Acupuncture Association, but he’s also the president of Nanospherx, Inc., and a managing member of Biofuture, LLC.

We spoke about the following topics:

• The difference between ORGANIC and INORGANIC minerals or metals.

• What does “bioavailable” really mean when it comes to minerals?

• What are the implications of consuming Adya Clarity if you are pregnant? (Warning!)

• Why many people who have suffered aluminum poisoning are in a state of self-delusional denial that actually verges on an outright psychotic breakdown. (This may explain the literal insanity of some who have taken the most “super shots” and are still defending it.)

• Why adding Adya Clarity to juice containing natural vitamin C might enhance your body’s absorption of aluminum (not a good thing).

• Why iron overload is the No. 1 cause of heart disease in men, and why most men need to eliminate iron from their bodies, not take in more!

Listen to the full interview at this link:…

Quotes from the interview

Here are some of the key quotes from the interview, organized by topic for your convenience.

All quotes are from Roy Dittman, OMD.

Possible toxicity of Adya Clarity due to its iron and aluminum sulfate content

“We of course don’t know the full implication yet of this product on, for instance, human fetal brain development, but we do know that the implications for human adults is very different from the implications for human fetuses. Keep in mind the fetal brain is absorbing everything. When it’s developing, it’s just a few cells, it doesn’t have kidneys, it doesn’t have a liver which we use to filter our blood and clean our blood.”

(Note: He is referring to early-stage fetal development, before 11 weeks.)

Chemistry 101 and “organic” vs. “inorganic” minerals

“There’s a huge difference between inorganic and organic minerals. Organic minerals are things that come [from] plants, animal byproducts, and so on. It’s been processed by nature. …It has taken mineral rock and converted it into bioavailable form for human consumption. That’s why we eat those things. Now, our bodies are not built to absorb inorganic minerals, like say… plants can. Plants are perfectly suited for transforming these inorganic minerals into organic form, and that’s why we eat plants.”

“To claim that we can transform these [inorganic rocks] into organic minerals is a huge long shot, a huge stretch. It’s a huge claim. I don’t see how they can claim that.”

“[Adding sulfuric acid to the minerals] is not converting it to an organic mineral. It’s still an inorganic mineral, but now it’s in solution, so now it’s more absorbable, which means it’s more toxic in my opinion.”

About the idea of drinking and absorbing these inorganic minerals dissolved in sulfuric acid

“You’re doing the opposite of what you want to do. You don’t want to be absorbing inorganic minerals better… because they just sit there in your body, and they cause damage. They cause problems. That’s the opposite of what you want to do. People are confusing absorption with bioavailability.”

“The absorption of something with the potential to cause that much damage to your cell membranes, and to think about what it will do as you accumulate that… remember you can ingest something and absorb it better, but that’s not [always] a good thing because that’s something you want to be eliminating, not absorbing, first of all. And how are you going to eliminate that? Because inorganic metals just sit there. And they’ve done studies on them, they don’t know how to get them out. The question is, how do you get it out? So if you’re just accumulating this more and more, it may take a while until you notice some serious symptoms, but then when you find out you’re sick or you have a heart problem from the iron oxide building up in the heart tissue, how are you going to get that out?”

When asked about the selective absorption of minerals as claimed by Adya, Inc. which says the aluminum sulfate is somehow not absorbed:

“That’s ridiculous. That’s not even logical. They are all going to be absorbed the same, the big questions is, what are they taking it for? Why are people taking this? Because the [minerals] you shouldn’t be getting are in very high amounts. I don’t quite get it. What is the point here?”

Iron toxicity

“Absorbing iron oxide is the opposite of what any male wants to do. Men don’t need extra iron. In fact, they need to remove iron from their blood. In fact, it’s the No. 1 cause of heart disease in men. It’s the worst thing you could be doing.”

“There are different forms of iron, various elemental alloys that come in nature. The kind you find in dirt are some of the most dangerous kinds, because they are exposed to the elements, it’s like consuming rust. … It’s the worst possibly way you could consume iron anyway.”

Metals overload side effects – when asked about the “black stuff” Adya users report coming out of their ears or fingers

“I think it’s a sign of severe toxicity. Those are classic examples of heavy metals toxicity, what you’re describing. And very dangerous heavy metal toxicity, actually.”

Self delusions, insanity and the psychosis that happens after metals poisoning

“Heavy metals can cause homicidal behavior, psychotic behavior, people can have full psychotic breaks. If you go in any mental institution, it’s infections and heavy metal poisoning…”

“When someone’s consuming something like iron with aluminum, you’re getting a kind of self-delusional mental syndrome going on. Because aluminum is something that interferes with your normal brain function. These people become very spacey, very dull-witted, parts of their brain are not working. Aluminum interferes with brain function.”

“When you combine high copper with high mercury, or high iron, or other toxins like aluminum, you have a real problem, because especially aluminum and copper have this very toxic numbing effect on the brain, that [becomes] a severe mental disorder after a while. You have a self-deluded kind of personality. It’s well known in the industry, with holistic doctors who work with people who have high copper, high mercury and high aluminum, it’s really hard to work with those patients because they’re usually in some kind of denial, self-delusion, they think they’re healthy when they’re not, they’re the toughest patients to work with.”

“The accumulation of high copper which has increased dramatically since the 60’s, I think it used to be less than 5% of Americans to now over 80% in certain areas have copper toxicity — that and aluminum toxicity and mercury toxicity — these are all epidemic right now, and correlated with autism spectrum disorders, mental disorders of all kinds, and really self-delusional patterns of thinking. I don’t know of a nicer way to say it. My colleagues have observed the same thing, it’s established in the scientific literature as well, that they become self delusional and somewhat psychotic in extreme cases. They can have psychotic breaks, they can completely lose their minds. They become homeless and they can’t function.”

“If someone already has a pattern of high mercury and copper, and then you add iron oxide and aluminum sulfate, I mean, you’ve got a nightmare on your hands. It’s a complex web of toxicity, from which I don’t know how they would get out of that by themselves without expertise and guidance.”

About pregnant women consuming Adya Clarity and inorganic aluminum sulfate

“That’s my main concern. The implications are far greater for the fetal brain than it is for us, because remember, the [fetus] doesn’t have developed kidneys and liver [early on]. So it’s just accumulating these heavy metals into its brain, and this is well established in animal research, and they get it through the breast milk, they get it directly through placental membranes, and this is my concern because it’s so much more toxic to the fetal brain. And it’s permanent damage. You’re talking about mental retardation, autism spectrum disorders… my concern is that this has already happened. I’m really worried about this. Unfortunately a lot of people when I’ve spoken to them about Adya, they don’t seem to understand that this is a very serious thing.”

“I just spoke with someone yesterday who had a patient, and she said wow, I have a patient who’s taking this right now, and she’s pregnant, and she just got right away — oh my god — and she immediately started texting this woman, please stop taking that right now. Because she realized the implications. But a lot of people don’t realize the implications. They don’t know that the fetal brain is so much more susceptible and vulnerable. The damage that occurs is permanent. It’s really hard to reverse that damage, because the developmental brain in the human being, it takes a long time to develop, it’s very delicate. We have amazing brains but they’re extremely sensitive to toxins. This is something new to humanity, I don’t think we understand the history around why this is a big issue, because it wasn’t until 200 years ago that we had to think about how we are throwing all these heavy metals into our food chain.”

About scientific integrity within the natural products industry

“If we get into myths and scientific half-truths, we only discredit our entire industry and make fools of ourselves in front of medical scientists, doctors, and people who are experts in this field. And that’s exactly what Big Pharma wants us to do, and FDA, this is the perfect excuse they need to step in and say hey you guys are so irresponsible, we have to step in and manage you guys because you can’t manage your own industry. [They would say] let’s re-do DSHEA and make new laws to start making you comply.”

“The way we need to do this is restore the integrity to the products so that we can make sure we’re in compliance with standards that we would not expose our own children to. We know better than to expose our children to heavy metals these days. The state of California has very high standards… so in California, you cannot expose people to any high dosage of heavy metals without warnings, and precautions.”

Dangers of adding Adya Clarity to juice

“Vitamin C can, it’s well known that it dramatically increases the absorption of aluminum. So if somebody says I’m going to take this product Adya Clarity with vitamin C and that’s going to be even better, no, wrong, now it’s much worse! You’ve just dramatically increased your absorption of aluminum.”

“Back to Adya Clarity and these kind of products, in my opinion this damages your immune system, it supresses your immune function in the long run, and if you want to get minerals, there are a lot better ways to get minerals. Vegetable juicing, let’s go back to the basics, you know?”

Why consuming lead, mercury or aluminum may make you “feel good” at first

“Iron can give you energy initially, but in the long run it’s accumulating and can cause serious problems with your heart and other damage to your system. Same with aluminum. A lot of these things initially can give you a hit of energy. Lead is well known.”

Listen to the full interview at:…

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