Monday, March 05, 2012 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) U.S. District Court Judge Naomi Buchwald’s recent dismissal of a massive class-action lawsuit filed by farmers against Monsanto is truly disheartening, but it does not mean that we should now give up the fight for food freedom and justice. And as an expression of unified solidarity for the cause of food sovereignty, Jack Adam Weber from Wake Up World has created a hopeful petition letter to the farmers that conveys support and appreciation for their work, and encourages them not to give up — and he is asking everyone who appreciates clean, organic food to show their support by signing it.

The letter, which is posted over at Wake Up World as well as at, expresses solace and comfort to the farmers, but also a bit of hope and promise that, one day, we will win this war against food tyranny and take back our land and our freedoms from those who have stolen it away from us. It also specifically promises that, when an appeal is filed in response to the dismissal, those of us in the natural health community will be right there to support it.

“With each blow to our justice, to our health, to our peace of mind, to our children’s future, we will grow stronger, more united, and determined,” says one section of the letter. “And with each subsequent act of corruption we will come thundering back to take back our lives, our wealth, which we believe can still be free. Count on it. It’s a promise from all of us to you, fellow farmers. And it’s our promise to Monsanto, the soulless politicians who enable them, and to all Big Business Bullies.”

You can access the petition letter at the following two links:

And in case you missed our original piece on the legal filing itself, you can read it here:

This particular battle may have been lost, at least for now, but the war is not over. As the Organic Seed Growers & Trade Association (OSGTA) gears up to file an appeal, we need to be right there with the group to make sure the case does not get dismissed again, and that all the facts are heard. We must ensure that the next judge who hears the case will not be able to get away with claiming that it has no grounds, since farmers have already been sued by Monsanto in years past, and will likely be sued in the future as well (

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'Support the more than 300,000 organic farmers who lost their court battle to Monsanto – sign the heartfelt petition to OSGTA today!' has no comments

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