Monthly Archives: January 2009

Michael Tsarion – Genetic Manipulation ; Control ; Spiritual Growth – January 29, 2009

Michael Tsarion Genetic Manipulation ; Control ; Spiritual Growth Michael Tsarion does mountains of research about our origins, the occult, the power elite and our relationship with beings from other planets and realities. Michael is thoughtful and not wild and sensationalist in his theories that are entirely based on his unique and solid research. We…

Nature People – Gnomes – Fairies – The Magic With The Little People

Christian Von Lahr and Christopher Valentine talk with The Nature People and through these experiences share the information through books, workshops and personal counseling. This is fascinating stuff. We spend a lovely hour with Christian who is an internationally known clairvoyant Psychic Medium and Medical Intuitive; and Christopher who co authored these insightful books. You’ll…

Dr. Dawn Ewing – All about Cavitations and Her Special Method of Testing – January 20, 2009

Dr. Dawn Ewing, Doctor of Integrative Medicine in Houston, utilizes Meridian Stress Analysis, (in Europe since 1945), to detect ostensibly hidden infections in the jaw. These infections often severely compromise our health. And in sixteen years she has never recommended cavitation surgery and was wrong. Listen now and hear intriguing connections between body organs,…

Dawin Ewing on Cavitations and Her Special Testing Methods, January 20, 2009

Dr. Dawn Ewing, Doctor of Integrative Medicine in Houston, utilizes Meridian Stress Analysis, (in Europe since 1945), to detect ostensibly hidden infections in the jaw. These infections often severely compromise our health. And in sixteen years she has never recommended cavitation surgery and was wrong. Listen now and hear intriguing connections between body organs,…

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