Good sex makes sexual hormones, not the other way around.

Old school psychology/psychiatry asserted your “good” or “bad” relationship with your mother, father, spouse, etc., caused your brain chemistry.

Now – since the Era of Coal Tar chemistry beginning in 1945 and in full swing by 1955 – psychology/psychiatry alleges your brain chemistry causes your “good” or “bad” relationship with your mother, father, spouse, etc.

Engram restructuring was replaced by “chemical imbalance” with the advent of monoamine oxidase inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants in the 1950s because it’s FAR MORE PROFITABLE.

Does (1) serotonin deficiency cause depression or does (2) depression cause serotonin deficiency or (3) both?

We live in a Yes No Maybe universe.

How can a man have “low T” (deficient testosterone) if 98 to 99 percent of it is “bound” in his body by his own thoughts jailing it in Membrane Prison with sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG)?

Oxytocin – the so-called “love hormone” and “orgasm hormone” – is supposed to promote “affiliate behavior” and “pair bonding,” yet oxytocin deprivation in animal studies shows no change in this behavior.

But oxytocin is a major player in lactation in women and inhibits erections in men (as does prolactin).

Does dopamine cause REM (rapid eye movement) sleep causing spontaneous erections or does REM sleep cause dopamine production causing spontaneous erections?

REM sleep – also called “paradoxical sleep” – promotes “autonomic storms” accelerating heart rate, elevating blood pressure, and increasing respiratory rate.

REM sleep switches off the neocortex, allowing more access to the origins of the subconscious mind in the extended limbic system and upper brainstem.

Chemists claim our nutrients only come from food and drugs, but George Gurdjieff (1866-1949) knew we also get them from …

(1) air (our inner breatharian),

(2) emotional impressions, and

(3) intellectual impressions.

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) told us the skull is a cavity resonator for the medulla oblongata, allowing us to eat sound waves.

The “Mouth of God” is the esoteric name for the medulla oblongata, and it’s directly behind the “Mouth of Man.”

The Mouth of God resonates with the Lung Meridian, the Brain-Governor Meridian, and the anterior pituitary gland.

The Mouth of Man resonates with the Liver Meridian, the Conception Meridian, and the posterior pituitary gland.

2:55 a.m. to 3:05 a.m. is WHEN these two meridians MEDIATE their processes.

It’s not “meditation” … it’s MEDIATION.

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'Good Sex Makes Sexual Chemistry, Not Vice Versa' have 2 comments

  1. October 18, 2012 @ 12:57 pm atomb

    Conscious dreaming (REM awareness) helps both men and women reclaim their genitals.


  2. October 18, 2012 @ 3:02 pm Lucy

    Hi Atom,
    About sex chemistry.Don´t we have to have it? Like skin chemistry -or we can make it.:)
    And what is the role on cobalamin tonic?
    Am I making sense? Thanks. :)))))))


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