Look WHERE a food grows to know WHEN to eat it.

Does it grow on a tree, does it grow on a vine, or does it grow on a root – or is the root itself a food?

Lighter foods tend to grow higher, and heavier foods tend to grow lower (closer to the ground).

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said …

“You don’t find watermelons growing on trees.”

Lighter atoms and molecules tend to ASCEND, and heavier atoms and molecules tend to DESCEND.

Levity and levitation are easier in the morning.

Gravity and grounding are easier at night.

If you have to reach above the level of your heart for your breakfast food, it’s hard to start your day with a “heavy” meal.

Tree foods are less dense than root and heartwood foods.

Acids rise to the sky, e.g., essential oils.

Bases sink to the ground, e.g., minerals and metals.

Acids also fall from the sky in the form of rain.

Virtually all rainwater is acidic, courtesy of carbon dioxide.

Bases rise from the ground in the form of spring water bubbling out of the earth.

Heaven is YANG (acidic), and Earth is YIN (alkaline).

The Periodic Table of the Elements is also largely based on weight and gravity.

The lighter elements – hydrogen, helium, lithium, oxygen – “float” to the top of the chart, and the heavier elements – gold, lead, uranium, plutonium – “sink” to the bottom.

“Fusion” foods are healthier for breakfast, and “fission” foods are healthier at night.


'Growth Zones Align With the Levity/Gravity Continuum' have 2 comments

  1. December 17, 2013 @ 2:01 am atomb

    My e-books are available at …




  2. December 17, 2013 @ 2:02 am atomb

    Noam Chomsky (Power Systems, 2013) wrote …

    “Access to the Internet is a great thing. A huge amount of material is available. On the other hand, it’s evanescent. Unless you know what you’re looking for, and you store it properly and put it into context, it’s as if you never saw it. There’s no point in having a lot of data available unless you can make some sense out of it. And that takes thought, reflection, inquiry.”


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