Homeopathy can kill as well as cure.

The latest scientific buzz about OBESOGENS and ORGANOTINS update Samuel Hahnemann’s “like cures like” to the more holistic level of “like resonates with like.”

Obesogens and organotins and their xenobiotic ilk are endocrine disrupting chemicals mimicking our normal biological processes at sub-nanogram (parts-per-trillion) levels.

One nanogram per ton is all it takes.

A grain of sand weighs about 300,000 nanograms.

Plus, obesogen testing – ditto pharmaceutical testing – doesn’t usually factor in such things as EHR (enterohepatic recirculation) – where a single bile salt molecule can be reused 20 times or more, often several times during a single digestive phase.

True, “the dose makes the poison” during the acute stage – the seven-day “hydrolytic enzyme phase.”

All bets are off after seven days – when the chronic “lipidic phase” is initiated.

Tetanus and rabies are examples of this lipidic phase. They have no enzyme phase.

Mother Nature’s “like cures like” is global, not individualistic.

Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) only discovered a microscopic piece of the macroscopic Hermetic puzzle.

(Incidentally, Hahnemann’s “coffee theory” is why there’s still prejudice against coffee and restrictions on combining homeopathic remedies with it. Hahnemann replaced his “coffee theory” with his “psora theory,” but many of his followers didn’t get the memo.)

Obesogens affect lipid metabolism, so the scientists – or maybe the media – are confining their effects to fat accumulation and obesity.

But obesogens mimicking hormones have the capability of disrupting total-body homeostasis and causing a diversity of diseases.

Regular readers of my blog know the lipid metabolism supervises the body’s entire acid-base balance.

Obseogenic reprogramming of metabolic set points also controls blood pressure, blood sugar, sex steroid synthesis, etc.

Of course, the ultimate homeopathic entity is the THOUGHTRON, the “umbilical between the abstract and the concrete.”

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FB: Atom’s School of Self-Healing at Wellness-Wagon.com

Learn how to access the “thoughtron” at Atom’s School of (Conscious) Self-Healing.




'Homeopathy Swings Both Ways' have 11 comments

  1. May 12, 2012 @ 3:41 pm atomb

    Environmental obesogens and GMOs controlling the expression of genes knock a big hole in “gene theory.”

    Epigenetics and transgenetics were discussed in depth (before Dr. Bruce Blumberg ever coined the word “obesogen”) in Not Cancer … CANCEL, available at …



  2. May 12, 2012 @ 3:47 pm atomb

    Re: I had a bad calf cramp last night.

    It’s probably your adrenals.

    Plus the calf symbolizes TRAVELING (among other things).

    Eating more vitamin C foods and carbohydrate foods in their correct Growth Periods usually helps.

    While the cramp is happening, forcing yourself to urinate will sometimes eliminate it.

    Blue Skies & Green Lights,



  3. May 12, 2012 @ 7:29 pm atomb

    Industrial organotins are obesogens being spread far and wide by the 4-P Cartel – the petroleum-plastic-pesticide-pharmaceutical boys.

    Organotin compounds are in insecticides, fungicides, bactericides, molluscicides, mothproofing agents, antifouling agents, self-polishing paints, hospital disinfectants, vaccines, chemotherapy drugs, ad infinitum.

    They’re in your undergarments and in your children’s pajamas.

    They’re in prosthetic limbs.

    Organotins are marketed as “the perfect biocide.”

    The first organotin (officially) used in medicine killed 102 patients in 1954.

    The most extensive use of oganotins today is for the stabilization of PVC plastics.

    The plastic polymer recycling number system – SPI resin identification system – is a scam to make you feel SAFE.

    When I was a hippie in the 1960s, we warned the world about “Disney’s Plastic Inevitable.” :(


  4. May 13, 2012 @ 4:32 pm atomb

    Re: What about chelated minerals?

    The synthetic amino acid, ETDA (ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid), is a strong chelating agent.

    A weak chelate, e.g., a gluconate or starch chelate, offers little advantage over an inorganic salt, because a weak chelate ionizes in the stomach and becomes unstable.

    Many minerals advertised as chelates are really gluconates in disguise. (An asterisk often leads to the fine print.)

    An amino acid chelate is a mid-range chelate that shuttles a mineral through the intestinal tract and mucosa into the bloodstream.

    Buyer beware! Almost all “amino acid chelates” are only partially chelated.

    An L-aspartate chelate carries a mineral further, up to the inside layer of the outer cell membrane.

    Orotic acid carries a mineral through the cell wall and even the mitochondrial wall into the actual “power plant” of the cellular mechanism.

    A strong chelate, e.g., EDTA, transports a mineral all the way to the toilet.

    EDTA is commonly used in the soft drink industry to prevent sodium benzoate in the presence vitamin C from forming benzene. (Vitamin C is sometimes “the bad guy.”)

    Phytic acid (IP6 or inositol hexakiphosphate) is a natural chelator used in alternate cancer therapy.

    I don’t use supplements any more, even after managing four health food stores and a vitamin department in Kauai, Hawaii.


    • May 13, 2012 @ 6:28 pm atomb

      One trouble with orotates is they’re not suitable for general nutrition.

      They target specific areas of the cell.

      Because of this, for example, human kidneys retain lithium orotate longer than lithium carbonate, making it potentially more dangerous.

      Orotates, aspartates, and ascorbates have been getting a lot of media attention only because they’re supposed to be cutting-edge state-of-the-art (and they help sell corporate supplements).

      But today’s cutting edge is tomorrow’s way behind.


  5. May 14, 2012 @ 8:16 am bfc

    Hello Atom,

    What about Citrates and Chlorides as in the popular Magnesium Citrate and Magnesium oil, i.e Magnesium Chloride?

    Thank you for the wisdom!


    • May 14, 2012 @ 7:11 pm atomb

      Food is your best choice of magnesium.

      (1) Magnesium citrate prevents kidney stones.

      (2) Magnesium citrate causes kidney stones.

      BOTH are true, depending on the condition of your kidneys.

      (1) Magnesium citrate helps calcium absorption.

      (2) Magnesium citrate blocks calcium absorption.

      BOTH are true, depending on your pH status and other factors.

      The tip-off to the utility of magnesium citrate is its name.

      Industrial (my word for “commercial”) magnesium citrate is a corn and magnesium combination.

      Mother Nature provides magnesium citrate for us in the form of CITRUS fruit.

      Industrial magnesium chloride is the byproduct of the textile and refrigeration industries (and others).

      Mother Nature’s premiere source and most bioavailable form of magnesium is chlorophyll, but if you’re looking for magnesium chloride, seeds, sea vegetables, or spinach are excellent sources.

      (Liquid “chlorophyll” sold in health food stores is NOT chlorophyll. Chlorophyll cannot exist in liquid form. Health food store chlorophyll is actually “vegetarian lobster blood.”)

      However, magnesium chloride in olive oil is easily absorbed into the intracellular environment through the skin.

      Magnesium (12) sulfate (16) protects the heart from sodium (11) chloride (17) because they’re all on the same level of the Periodic Table – Period 3, the regulator of our intracellular dynamics.


  6. May 15, 2012 @ 9:38 am bfc

    Thank you for the detailed explanantion!
    Would you say that the magnesium Chloride sold as oral supplement and the supposed “Zaechstein sea derived” Magnesium Oil that Dr. Barbara Hendel promotes is also a byproduct of fridge industry?
    Also, I would love to get your opinion on couple of statement Patrick’s recent guest, the neuclear scientist M.T. Keshe made!..
    1. 80-90 % of breast cancer can be prevented by taking even RDA calcium isolate (not food sourced, as the body doesn’t see it as signaling for excess apparently? ) day before, 1st and 2d day of the monthly period.
    According to his research, at the time of monthly period in preparation to possible conception the body pulls calcium out of femur so it can accommodate the demanding process of conception. When conception doesn’t happen, the calcium made available for the process becomes an excess material. Since during this process the femur has been replenished with food source calcium the body tends to deposit the nano particles of excess calcium in to the soft tissue – breast tissue in this case.
    So the breast cancer in his opinion starts as a micro infection caused by internal friction of these nano calcium particles against the tissues…

    2. MS and some other conditions are caused by tooth paste and the process of teeth brushing. This is done by way of signaling to turn carbon to graphite instead of diamond form needed to keep the nerve tissue in its original shape and has nothing to do with the wear out of myelin sheaths.

    Many thanx!

    BTW, I bought your hardcover book and few ebooks including all 4 volumes of Butterflies Need No taxidermist.. great research!
    I am also a researcher and nutritionist with many years of hands on experience.. would love to connect/discuss as I read more of your literature. I see many statements that challenge not only the status quo ( which needs to be challenged :) ) but also some supposed tried and true therapies.. for example Budwig’s..
    Anyway.. if you are into it – would love to connect!

    Thank you for your wisdom!


    • May 15, 2012 @ 11:02 pm atomb

      I’ll contact you from my personal e-mail address. :)


  7. July 5, 2012 @ 1:22 pm Cristopher Trodden



    • July 5, 2012 @ 8:33 pm atomb

      Fortunately, obesogens and organotins have homeopathic immunity-enhancing qualities too.

      Hormesis is J-shaped, not linear, so these toxins and stressors have vaccinatory effects.

      At least we better hope they do.


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