Solar Nutrition and Time-Conscious Lifestyles are anchored to Local Mean Time (Mean Solar Time).

They are not anchored to …

(1) Apparent Solar Time (Sundial Time)

(2) Sidereal Time

(3) Greenwich Mean Time

(4) UTC Universal Time (Coordinated Universal Time)

(5) UT0 Universal Time

(6) UT1 Universal Time

(7) UT1R Universal Time

(8) UT2 Universal Time

(9) UT2R Universal Time

(10) Sandford Fleming Universal Time

(11) Standard Time (Modern Civil Time)

(12) Daylight Savings Time (Summer Time)

(13) Mecca Time

The exact up-to-the-minute time is not necessary for maintenance Solar Nutrition.

But it IS necessary for …

(1) Therapeutic Solar Nutrition

(2) Calibrating left and right nostrils at the beginning of Lung Time (2:55-3:05 a.m.).

Maintenance (versus Therapeutic) Solar Nutrition can also be called Kentucky Windage Solar Nutrition.

Fudge Factor Solar Nutrition is time-enhanced circadian eating, a practical version of time-controlled circadian eating.

Any competent astrologer can provide you with your Local Mean Time (Mean Solar Time).

Otherwise, consult the most recent editions of Doris Chase Doan’s three books for slightly outdated versions of Local Mean Time …

(1) Time Changes in the U.S.A.

(2) Time Changes in Canada and Mexico

(3) Time Changes in the World (Except Canada, Mexico, U.S.A.)

If you’re not willing to consult an astrologer or one of the three books listed above pertinent to your location …


The Truth (with a capital T) is that all of us have already been hypnotized to live in a politically standardized paradigm of time called Civil Time.

Civil Time, otherwise known as Railroad Time, was implemented by 19th Century railroad robber barons for “legal, commercial and social purposes.”

Translation: Railroad Time was designed for lawyers, bankers, and politicians, and not for farmers or John & Jane Q. Public.

Only a handful of people on our gravitationally rounded planet suspect that the Global Elite imprisoned humanity in a causal time penitentiary over a century ago, creating a counterfeit circular ruler construct masquerading as angular momentum.

The man who provided this time technology to U.S. railroad barons – Charles F. Dowd – died under the wheels of a locomotive.

Solar Nutrition provides an angular momentum PRISM BREAK from the clutches of the Kali Yuga.

Solar Nutrition is an isopathic-homeopathic remedy for our “concurring causal chain processes.”

Kali means “time,” and always leads to death.

It is causal (positive) – On Time.

Kala means “eternal time,” and sometimes leads to life everlasting.

It is anticausal (Negative) and acausal (Neutral) – In Time.

Carl Jung wrote (supporting a Dyad paradigm – Yin/Yang – without accounting for the far less stable Triad paradigm – Yin/Yang/Flow) …

“All the events in a man’s life would accordingly stand in two fundamentally different kinds of connection: firstly, in the objective causal connection of the natural process; secondly, in a subjective connection which exists only in relation to the individual who experiences it, and which is thus as subjective as his own dreams.”

Beyond “Dream Time” (aboriginal or otherwise) is the Photo Finish Time of Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty).

“Winning by a nose” is the province of both horse owners and Swamis.

Adano said …

“Stick it up your nose and breathe. All the talk about God and all the books about God will never give you a single breath.”

… and …

“You always read the clock from 3:00 a.m. in the morning. Between the nose, the stomach, and the asshole, the nose will take polarity.”

Lung Time – 3:00-5:00 a.m.

Anus Time – 5:00-7:00 a.m.

Stomach Time – 7:00-9:00 a.m.

Touch For Health (advocated by John F. Thie) is calibrated to the stomach.

Breathe For Health (advocated by Swami Nitty-Gritty) is calibrated to the nose.


'Winning (Living To Live) By the Skin Of Your Nose' have 18 comments

  1. July 7, 2013 @ 6:04 pm atomb

    Check out my e-books at …

    1st Chakra Nutrition = Allopathic Nutrition

    2nd Chakra Nutrition = Isopathic Nutrition

    3rd Chakra Nutrition = Homeopathic/Macropathic Nutrition

    4th Chakra Nutrition = Orthopathic Nutrition (Solar Nutrition)

    5th Chakra Nutrition = Psychopathic Nutrition (Semantic Nutrition)

    Example of 5th Chakra Nutrition are …

    “I’ll make you eat those words.”

    “I swallowed my words to keep from lying.”

    Most people get the word “calcium” confused with the mineral calcium.


  2. July 7, 2013 @ 6:07 pm atomb

    Solar Nutrition is Sniper Bullet Nutrition.

    All other categories of nutrition are variants of Shrapnel-Loaded Cluster Bomb Nutrition.


  3. July 7, 2013 @ 11:47 pm Kelsey


    Is there a general rule that can be applied, in order to figure out solar time? For example… solar time is generally about a half hour off from our every day clock time. What formula do you use in order to figure out solar time?

    Thank You!


    • July 8, 2013 @ 3:48 pm atomb

      But I dislike calculating, so I simply consult the appropriate Doris Chase Doan book …

      (1) Time Changes in the U.S.A.

      (2) Time Changes in Canada and Mexico

      (3) Time Changes in the World (Except Canada, Mexico, U.S.A.)


      • July 8, 2013 @ 3:52 pm atomb

        I’m still waiting for an astrologer buddy to send me his version of such a formula.

        I’ll post it as soon as he does.

        Meanwhile, avoid the cusps of a specific acupuncture hour, eating near the center.

        For example, Stomach Time is from 7:00-9:00 a.m.Standard Time, so eat breakfast at 8:00 a.m. straight up. :)


  4. July 8, 2013 @ 2:44 am Socrates Raramuri

    I just check solar noon time at 10 o’clock is just 2 hours before solar noon.
    This can differ about 2 hours! I once spoke to someone who had to start work at 7 in the morning and considered that, biologically, this person was getting up at 04:00 every day. No wonder she was complaining about having to start ‘early’!


    • July 8, 2013 @ 3:55 pm atomb

      Yes, it can differ by two or even more hours from country to country.

      Time has been politicized for over a hundred years.

      Actually, the politics of time can be traced back much further, but it wasn’t as PERVASIVE.


  5. July 8, 2013 @ 11:48 am Gene Holrod

    I work nights, sleep most of the day. I try to follow the zones, am I doomed working nights? Does it really matter when I sleep? Thanks awesome atom.


    • July 8, 2013 @ 4:04 pm atomb

      Do your best, Gene. :)

      The body works well with dyschrony for the first 30 years, then it requires rising above the Fourth Chakra (to use a philosophical term) to assure high-level wellness.


  6. July 8, 2013 @ 5:12 pm sebs

    do you consider delta a completely safe state? using isochronic tones i slip into delta quite easily but there’s a very lsd-esque quality to it all (i first experienced it on a heavy trip which still resides).

    also i remember reading somewhere in your blog that delta is a good state for cleaning the slate (i think). would delta+color recycling be a good idea for deleting acid experiences?

    re: the 5th chakra examples you give they sound quite harsh? is it nutrition in the sense of an inner fierceness to keep external static at bay? i want to believe in my right to the FUCK OFF as a pure expression i can engage in with full moral integrity, neutral balance on my karma bill.

    please keep posting forever <3


    • July 9, 2013 @ 10:40 pm atomb

      The LSD/DMT state is mostly a theta brain wave state.

      Delta is the state of absolute – not relative – boredom.

      “The brain can’t stand blank,” in the words of Swami Nitty-Gritty.

      That’s why 99% of humanity sleeps deeply while in delta.

      Delta in (1) a sitting position is actually safer than (2) delta in a horizontal position as you would experience at night if you choose to sleep.

      Inner fierceness is being livid (liver) with cou-RAGE, the focused “rage to live.” :)


  7. July 8, 2013 @ 6:47 pm sebs

    i’ve been working some more with color recycling just these past few hours and i’ll say i’m amazed. THANK YOU for this fantastic gift. i hope this stuff reaches the audience it deserves (or perhaps the audience deserving it). feels like a handsfree version of eft/tft with the all the added benefits of being able to keep it in internal monologue mode.

    do you use it to clear so called cords? i kinda feel it’s able to bust invisible body language relations to people i’ve known or whatever in an amazing way.

    do any of your books elaborate more on the technique?

    hugs n hugs n


    • July 9, 2013 @ 10:58 pm atomb

      A “psychic cord” binds two people together in a karmic relationship.

      It only takes one cut by one person to cut the cord and be free.

      Then the other person has three choices …

      (1) be free too.

      (2) immediately rebind to someone else.

      (3) rebind to someone else but with less intensity.

      Cutting these cords usually offers only partial freedom.

      The “seeds” of the karma must be “scorched” to prevent “re-sprouting.”


  8. July 9, 2013 @ 3:18 pm atomb

    My astrologer friend Ursa Shaman (Jeevan) supplied the info below for finding your Local Mean Time.

    If you still have trouble Ursa Shaman will calculate it for you for a nominal fee …

    Material presented herein has been modified from various web sources. Page 1

    Calculating Local Mean Time (LMT)

    On November 18, 1883, Standard Time was inaugurated in the U.S. (and Canada). However, the geographical lines of the Time Zones were not definitely established until March 19, 1918. For example, the state of Georgia did not change to Eastern Standard Time until then. Previously, it had been on Central Standard Time.

    Since setting continent wide train schedules, etc., is impossible on the basis of local time, Standard Time Zone meridians were spaced at intervals of 15 degrees of longitude east and west of Greenwich., Then all clocks within each zone were adjusted to the mean Solar time of the mid-point of the zone.

    U. S. Time Belt Zones

    1. Eastern Standard Time – E.S.T. is calculated to the 75th meridian west longitude.

    2. Central Standard Time – C.S.T. is calculated to the 90th meridian west.

    3. Mountain Standard Time – M.S.T. is calculated to the 105th meridian west.

    4. Pacific Standard Time – P.S.T. is calculated to the 120th meridian west.

    5. Alaska was standardized in 1918 on 150th Meridian west, but in actual practice, other zones are and have been in use: 120° 150°, 165°.*

    Foreign Time Belt Zones

    Europe is divided into three belts of time.

    I. Greenwich Mean Time (G.M.T.) is set for zero longitude. At an International Meridian Conference in 1884, it was agreed by astronomers of the leading nations that they would use the meridian of Greenwich as the zero degree on all maps. Greenwich Mean Time is used throughout Great Britain, France, Belgium, Holland, Luxemburg, Spain, Portugal, Algeria, and Morocco.

    2. Middle or Central European Time (M.E.T. or C.E.T.) is standardized on 15 degrees east longitude. It is used in Germany, Sweden, Norway, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Switzerland, Italy, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia. The time is one hour fast of Greenwich, hence subtract one hour to obtain G.M.T.

    3. Eastern European Time (E.E.T.) is standardized on 39 degrees east longitude. It is used in Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Egypt, Palestine, Material presented herein has been modified from various web sources. Page 2

    and the Union of South Africa. The time is two hours fast of Greenwich, hence you subtract two hours to obtain G.M.T.

    You should find the following notes on time in foreign countries useful.

    India went on Standard Time on January 1, 1906. It is standardized on 82 1/2 degrees east longitude, i.e., 5 1/2 hours fast of G.M.T. Note that Calcutta is not on this standard. It is 5 hours 53 minutes 21 seconds fast of Greenwich.

    Burma is standardized on 97 1/2 degrees east longitude, i.e., 6 1/2 hours east of G.M.T.

    Indo China and Thailand are standardized on 105 degrees east longitude, i.e., 7 hours east of G.M.T.

    Western Australia, Hong Kong, and the Philippines are standardized on 105 degrees east longitude, i.e., 8 hours east of G.M.T.

    Japan and Korea are standardized on 135 degrees east longitude, i.e., 9 hours fast of G.M.T.

    Eastern Australia is standardized on 150 degrees east longitude, i.e., 10 hours fast of G.M.T.

    Marshall and Soloman Islands are standardized on 165 degrees east longitude, i.e., 11 hours fast of G.M.T.

    New Zealand, Guam, and Samoa are standardized on 172 1/2 degrees east longitude, i.e., 11 1/2 hours fast of G.M.T.


    Argentina and some of the West Indian Islands use Atlantic Time, which is standardized on 60 degrees west longitude, i.e., four hours slow of G.M.T.

    Newfoundland, Labrador, and Uruguay are standardized on 52 1/2 degrees west longitude, i.e., 3 1/2 hours slow of G.M.T.

    Canada uses Atlantic Time for places east of 60 degrees west longitude, such as Nova Scotia. From 60 degrees west to 90 degrees west, Canada is standardized on the 75th meridian, i.e., four hours slow of G.M.T.

    Puerto Rico, Chile, and Paraguay use Atlantic Time, four hours slow of G.M.T. Material presented herein has been modified from various web sources. Page 3

    The Panama Canal Zone uses Eastern Standard Time, five hours slow of G.M.T.

    Hawaii is standardized on 157 1/2 degrees west longitude, i.e., 10 1/2 hours slow of G.M.T.

    The U.S.S.R. is divided into ten zones of time, extending from 30 degrees east longitude to 150 degrees east. These zones occur regularly at intervals of 15 degrees, each equivalent to one hour of time. (30,45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 135, 150 deegres east)

    If you look in an Atlas or in a web search, and you find that the place where you are is exactly on the 75th, 90th, 105th, or 120th meridians, you need make no calculations for Local Mean Time. It will coincide with Standard Time. Again, if you were born previous to November 18, 1883, no correction is needed. The same goes for any location worldwide.

    Types of Time Other than Standard Time Or Local Mean Time

    Daylight Savings Time (DST): This is sometimes referred to as Summer Time. DST originated in England in 1916 and it is a time change applied to clock time. It consists of the arbitrary setting ahead of the clock by one hour, thereby shifting all the day’s activities an hour earlier, ending the work day that much sooner and leaving an hour more of daylight in which to indulge in seasonal recreations. In general, it commences at 2 A.M. of the Sunday following the third Saturday in April, and ends on the Sunday following the third Saturday in October although these dates have been altered recently in the US. Use the web site listed at the end. To convert a clock time, just subtract one hour from the clock time to obtain the correct Standard time.

    WAR TIME_(WT): This time was invented during World War II. This means that the clock was set one hour ahead during both the summer and winter. In the U.S., War Time began February 9, 1942, and ended September 30, 1945. Although it is not in use now, it could be used in the future. All you must do to convert this time is subtract one hour from the clock time to obtain true Standard Time. Remember, this calculation must be made regardless of whether it was winter or summer as War Time embraced the entire year.

    DOUBLE SUMMER TIME (DST): – During World War II, some European countries used War Time all the year around, but during the summer they employed what they called Double Summer Time. This simply means that the clocks were turned ahead by two hours and two hours would have to be subtracted to yield a ST time. Currently no country uses this type of DST, but as has been used in the past it may be used again. Material presented herein has been modified from various web sources. Page 4

    Steps to Obtain the LMT

    With the method presented here, discovering the L.M.T. (Local Mean Time) for anyone born in the U.S. is a simple matter. You need only be able to add and subtract, and these computations will never involve difficult numbers. To calculate a LMT:

    Step # 1: Collect the data you will need:

     Name of city & state (Or city & Coubntry)

     Longitude of city (use the web links given at the end)

     Time Zone Meridian Longitude (use data herein provided or a web search)

     Whether or not Daylight Savings Time was in effect at that city’s location for the time of year

    Step # 2: Adjust the time zone (or clock) time to account for DST:

     If Daylight Savings Time is in effect subtract one hour from the DT (Daylight Time) clock time to get the ST (Standard Time) time.

     NOTE: DST information may be found using a web search especially if it is a foreign city; see the link referenced at the end.

    Step # 3: Calculate the time adjustment to be made to the clock time:

     If the city’s longitude is exactly equal to the time zone’s meridian longitude, no further adjustment is needed.

     If the city’s longitude is not exactly equal to the time zone’s meridian longitude, then subtract the smaller longitude from the larger to get the longitudinal displacement adjustment..

     Multiply the longitudinal displacement in degrees by 4 minutes of time per degree. This yields the time adjustment in minutes to be applied to the ST (Standard Time either calculated to correct for DST or clock time).

     Use 4/5 rounding on the calculated time adjustment to round to the whole minute if necessary.

    Step # 4: Calculate the Standard Time Adjustment::

     If the city longitude is less than that of the time meridian, then the city is east of the meridian. So add the time adjustment to the ST (either calculated to correct for DST or clock time).

    Material presented herein has been modified from various web sources. Page 5

     If the city longitude is greater than that of the time meridian, then the city is west of the meridian. So subtract the time adjustment from the ST (either calculated to correct for DST or clock time).

    Step # 5: Finished!

    Exercises in Converting US Standard (Clock) Time to Local Mean Time

    In the following exercises, the city longitudes and the time zone meridians are rounded to the nearest degree. Each time zone of 15 degrees of Longitude is equal to one hour of time. Thus, the ratio between them (60 minutes of time divided by 15 degrees of longitude) yields 4 minutes of time per degree of longitude. The rounding used up or down is standard 4-5 rounding which would at a maximum create a 2 minute of time variance but usually is only a few seconds..

    Ex. 1. If you are in New York City at 4:10 A.M. Eastern Standard Time (E.S.T.), what is your Local Mean Time?

    A map (or web search look-up, see web links at the end) will indicate that New York City is 74 degrees WEST of Greenwich, that is to say, that it is 1 degree EAST of the 75th meridian(known as Eastern Standard Time). Therefore the Sun has already passed over N.Y.C. before it reaches Philadelphia, or rather, the 75th meridian. It will have taken four minutes to travel this distance (1 degree times 4 minutes per degree equals 4 minutes of time). Hence, when the Eastern Standard clock at either Philadelphia or New York shows 4:10 A.M., it will be 4:14 A.M. Local Mean Time in New York City.

    Ex. 2. Suppose you are in Dallas, Texas, at noon (12:00 P.M) C.S.T., what is your L.M.T.?

    A web search tells us that Dallas is 96.769923 degrees west of Greenwich, that is, 6.769923 degrees west of the 90th meridian. Rounding to 7 degrees equals (7 x 4) 28 minutes. (Note: when the place in question is west of the meridian, we subtract the time correction; when it is east of the meridian, we add it.).

    As Dallas is West of the time zone meridian, the L.M.T. for Dallas, Texas at noon is Standard Time (or clock time) minus 28 minutes yields 11:34 A.M. Material presented herein has been modified from various web sources. Page 6

    Ex. 3. (This example shows a non-rounded, complete detail versio for those who absolutely need mathematical exactness.) Suppose you are in Los Angeles, California at noon P.S.T., what is your L.M.T.?

    A or map or web search shows that Los Angeles is 118.2436849 degrees west, or (120 – 118.2436849 =) 1.7563151 degrees east of the 120th meridian. 1.7563151 degrees times 4 yields 7.0252524 minutes. This translates to 7 minutes and 1.515 seconds of adjustment to Standard Time. The seconds being neglible, this adjustment is rounded to 7 minutes. The Local Mean Time in question will be 12:00 PM + 0:07 (as the city is east of the time zone meridian the adjustment is added to the Standard Time) = 12:07 P.M.

    Ex. 4. If you are in Minneapolis on June 2, C.D.T. at midnight (12:00 A.M.), what is your Local Mean Time.

    This example adds a date. This means we might have to account for Daylight Savings Time being in effect The example states the time is given as CDT or Central Daylight Time. As the clock is advanced 1 hour to shift from Standard Time to Daylight Savings Time, One hour needs to be subtracted from the CDT to shift back to CST. Note, that asthe time is midnight on June 2, subtracting one hour yields 11 PM on June 1. This CST is the time the adjustment will apply against to get LMT.

    Minneapolis is 93 degrees west, that is, 3 degrees west of the 90th meridian. 3 degrees yields 12 minutes (for west, remember, we subtract). Therefore, the L.M.T. is 12 minutes before midnight on June 2, so in actuality you were born at 11:48 P.M. LMT on June 1.

    Ex. 5. Suppose you are in Washington, D.C. at 7:15 P.M., E.S.T., what is your L.M.T.?

    Washington, D.C. is 77 degrees west, or 2 degrees west of the 75th meridian. 2 degrees yields 8 minutes of time (actually 8 minutes and 6 seconds of time, which is rounded to 8 minutes for the adjustment).. For places west of the meridian that sets the time, subtract these minutes, hence your L.M.T. is 7:07 P.M.

    Some exercises to obtain Foreign Local Mean Time

    Ex. 1. If you are in Paris at noon by the clock, what is your L.M.T.?

    Paris is 2 degrees 0 minutes east (so add the adjustment to the time zone meridian) of the Greenwich Meridian which is 0°, hence you will add 8 minutes (2 degrees x 4 minutes per degree). Your L.M.T. is 12:08 P.M.(east of meridian, so add adjustment to meridian), Material presented herein has been modified from various web sources. Page 7

    Ex. 2. If you are in Berlin at noon by the clock, what is L.M.T.?

    Berlin is 13 degrees 24 minutes east of the Greenwich Meridian. The difference to the 15th meridian is 1° 36′, hence for west of this meridian, you subtract six minutes.

    (HINT: convert the distance to the meridian to decimal degrees. To do this, dive the numer of minutes of longitude by 60 and add that decimal result to the whole number of degrees. 36/60=o.6; o.6 + 1 = 1.6 . Now, multiply 1.6 degrees by 4 degrees per minute and get a rounded adjustment of 6 minutes.)

    The L.M.T. is (east, so subtract the adjustment from the meridian) 11:54 A.M.

    Ex. 3. If you are in Jerusalem at noon by the clock, what is your L.M.T.?

    Jerusalem is 35° 13′ east. This is 5° 13′ east of the 30th meridian, so add 21 minutes (because 5 + 13/60 = 5.22; 5,22 X 4 = 20.88 which rounds to 21). Your Jerusalem L.M.T. is 12:21 P.M.

    Ex.4. The Korean War started at 4:00 A.M. on June 25, 1950 by Korean Standard Time. What was the L.M.T.?

    Seoul is 127°, which is 8° west of the 135th meridian that sets the time, hence subtract 32 minutes to get the L.M.T., which will be 3:28 A.M.

    Ex. 5. At the request of Burmese astrologers, Burma declared itself a republic on January 4, 1948, at 4:20 A.M., in Rangoon. What was the L.M.T.?

    Rangoon is 96 degrees east and the meridian that sets the time is 97’/2 degrees east. Thus Rangoon is l’/2 degrees west of the meridian. Subtract 6 minutes and the L.M.T. will be 4:14 A.M. Material presented herein has been modified from various web sources. Page 8

    Useful Web URL Links

    For history and general information about time zones:

    Information on Time zones, daylight saving time, time of sunrise – sunset and more:

    The following two links will yield the longitude for a city. With Google, simply use city & state (OR city & country) and the word longitude.


  9. July 9, 2013 @ 8:02 pm B

    Hi Atom,

    Can you speak about chest expansion? We are told that the bones fuse at 21 (or whatever) and that the chest will never ever expand past this. Why is it that during concentrated breathing exercises that one might experiences popping in the sternum?

    Thank you.


    • July 10, 2013 @ 12:02 am atomb

      Straight-arm pullovers can expand the ribcage and chest circumference if done correctly.

      Yogic breath techniques can help too – but must be done carefully.

      It’s easier to expand the ribcage before 21, but it can be done later too.

      The “popping” noise in the sternum is most likely gas release, similar to what happens when you remove a cork from a champagne bottle.


  10. July 10, 2013 @ 12:47 pm John

    Hi Atom, I don’t understand the time thing:

    ………. and Thailand are standardized on 105 degrees east longitude, i.e., 7 hours east of G.M.T.

    How does my location affect my chrono eating on time and the organ times eg. stomach time 7-9am
    Where am I on the clock, are the times in your book the same for me or do I have to adjust ?


    • July 11, 2013 @ 1:58 pm atomb

      If you can’t figure it out, it might be a good idea to consult an astrologer and get the Local Mean Time for your location.

      The American Federation of Astrologers alone lists 3,500 professional astrologers and laypersons in all 50 U.S. states and 56 countries.

      My friend Ursa Shaman will do it for $50. I’ll post his contact information as soon as he gives it to me. :)


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