By Atom Bergstrom

DNA can disclose your past, but it can’t predict your future.

DNA is Mainstream Monolithic Medicine’s variant of a fortune teller’s crystal ball.

DNA is biologically inert. It’s simply a convoluted book stuffed with genetic genealogy.

You have a choice. You can study the book for decades or simply burn it in your metabolic fire.

The Selfish Gene is a CULTURAL ARTIFACT of our uptight Verbi-Voco-Visual Global Society.

It’s sorely in need of a Paradigm Shift.

DNA testing is a corporate scam to take control of your life and health away from you.

Let’s assume you had your genetic screening test.

What about your metabonomic test?

What about your metabolomic test?

What about your karyomic test?

What about your quantitative trait locus (QTL) test?

What about your microbiomic (bacteriomic) test?

What about your mycobiomic test?

What about your viromic test?

What about your protozobiomic test?

What about your Monerabiomic test?

What about your proteonomic test?

What about your glyconomic test?

What about your transcriptonomic test?

What about your ionomic test?

And how susceptible are you to horizontal gene transfer?

Many viruses (and their “dead” genetic fragments) insert their DNA into your DNA and the DNA of your offspring for millenia.

Can your gut microbiome affect your wellness and behavior?

The answer is YES.

Only the tip of the iceberg is being revealed to the general public, from sources like …

“Mind Control Parasite Makes Fear Sexy,” LiveScience, August 17, 2011

“How Your Cat Is Making You Crazy,” The Atlantic, March 2012

“Invasion of the Brain Snatchers, CBC-TV, October 31, 2013


'Your DNA Does NOT Control Your Destiny' have 7 comments

  1. April 8, 2014 @ 5:35 pm atomb

    Check out my e-books at …

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  2. April 8, 2014 @ 5:42 pm atomb

    Emanuel Revici (Research in Physiopathology As Basis of Guided Chemotherapy: With Special Application to Cancer, 1961) wrote …

    “This concept – of progressive participation of successive hierarchic levels in cancer – contrasts sharply with the view generally held today which places the entire burden of anomaly on the cancerous cell itself. The classical concept has led to the currently prevailing all-or-nothing approach in which therapeutic attempts are directed to the cancerous cells as the only avenue for controlling the disease at any moment of its evolution. Under our hierarchic concept, therapeutic possibilities can be extended beyond the cancerous cell.”


  3. April 10, 2014 @ 2:36 pm Galina

    Atom, as far as I understand coffee is a bush not a tree as well as vanilla is a vine. Is that going to interfere with the morning energy or I am mistaking.. Vanilla is an Orchid family and it can grow on the tree. But coffee is a bush or is it a tree? Please help with my confusion! Thank you!


    • April 10, 2014 @ 8:35 pm atomb

      The coffee tree is classified as a Growth Zone 1 shrub or small tree, but it’s usually severely pruned for the convenience of growers.

      A coffee tree grows up to 40 feet tall when left alone.

      Some Middle Eastern coffee plants are stunted to protect them against the extreme heat, and thrive as a Growth Zone 2 subshrub.

      Vanilla vines grow up to 30 feet long, and their flowers open up at dawn.


  4. April 10, 2014 @ 8:37 pm atomb

    Master Chen (Master Within: Passion for Life, 2012) wrote …

    “Underneath the water it was very bright and I saw the mud, shrimp and fish in front of me. They seemed pretty slow, but when I tried to catch them they easily swam away. I was underwater for at least a half mile. My ma told me that I was under the water for half an hour, and that all the people, the farmers, were helping to search for me. After twenty minutes they gave up. My Ma and Pa were sobbing next to the river. When I ran up to them and said, ‘Ma and Dad what are you doing? Why are you crying?’ they looked at me in shock. I told them, ‘I caught two clams,’ and then, they laughed and cried. I was soaking wet and covered in mud. For a moment, people screamed. Everyone thought I was crazy. They already thought I was special. This event only gave them more proof that I was special and mystical.

    “People asked how I survived under the water. Under the water, I merely felt like, ‘Just have fun.’ Children love mud and play in the mud all the time, it is a natural thing. I didn’t have any fear. I didn’t think of it as, being under water, and so, there was only joy. The shrimp and fish guided me out; if they went fast I went fast. I didn’t think about breathing. Looking back, I didn’t have the concept of death. In the water there is a lot of oxygen, so when you don’t think about fear then you function like a fish. I did not know how to swim, that is why I crawled in the mud. It was very fun.”


  5. April 10, 2014 @ 8:39 pm atomb

    Think of DNA as part of your radio.

    You’re listening to Willie Nelson sing a song.

    A caveman may think Willie Nelson is inside the radio.

    A New Age person may think Willie Nelson is in the carrier wave.

    A physicist may think Willie Nelson is at the radio station broadcasting the song.

    But Willie Nelson is vacationing in Hawaii while a DJ is playing the song.

    DNA is in the radio circuitry, far away from intelligence, let alone consciousness, let alone beingness.


  6. April 10, 2014 @ 9:16 pm atomb

    Arthur Gray (Over the Black Coffee, 1902) wrote …

    So here’s a health to coffee! Coffee hot!

    A morning toast! Bring on another pot!


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