You have to hand to these people….and we do! Andrew Gause, thirty plus year currency historian weaves a tale each week that our grandchildren will be aghast of how puny our minds must have been. Sorry, but we are allowing this to go on in broad daylight. They indeed, dear ones, are ‘eating out our substance.”

Mr. Gause tells of of how and why some of Bailout money given to the big nine banks have actually gone on the books of The Federal Reserve Bank, (which they are primary owners), to add to the monetary base so The Fed can create more dollars and buy more assets. Wow!

If you followed that, you are not in Kansas anymore! Andrew also explains that regardless of what Congress does with the big three automakers, We The People are on the hook for 25 Billion more because if we let them go bankrupt, The Pension Benefit Guarantee Corp., will pony up money in a failure, and they are funded by The F.D. I.C. which is Funded by The Fed, which creates money and lends it to us and we give it back to them. Listen, and listen to archives and pass on these links to everyone you care about.

Now you understand why 95% of Americanshave no idea of what is going on. Are you not glad you are not one of them?


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