The Real World of Money

with Andy Gause

Wednesday June 17th Broadcast


Understand The Hegelian Dialectic model and you understand the power elite, The Federal Reserve and what is really going on. The Federal Reserve Act is a Classic model. “Terrorism” is another.

Mr. Obamas new revolutionary regulatory changes is the latest and big stuff. Here an eloquent argument from our money man, Andrew Gause on just what is going on here.

And more importantly, Mr. Gause argues that no matter what you may be reading on the internet regarding new currencies, new control, blah, blah, blah….”The Boys” who have been running “the showknow exactly what they are doing and most of the “news” out there is to keep the sheep grazing in the grass. Stunning!

• How the “credit crunch” started and just who is responsible
• Andy thinks this fall is cooking up to be another Tsunami like last fall
• Why numismatics are the best choice and the grading system

Benchmark 10-year yield retreats further from 4% mark as $65 billion in debt sales is absorbed…. The Treasury auctioned off $65 billion worth of debt this week. The auctions of 3-year, 10-year and 30-year debt were met with healthy demand. But, the market seems to be caught in a tug-of-war as to how to read the recent run-up in Treasury yields, and the swings in debt prices reflect that debate.

After the biggest rally in years, Wall Street is merely back to where it was at the end of last year. Now what… The 10-year note yield hit 4% last week for the first time since October, as investors pulled money out of government debt. That sent mortgage rates up, which could stymie the housing markets path toward stabilization. Add a weak dollar, rising oil and gas prices and trillions of dollars in government stimulus flooding the system — and worries about inflation are starting to surface.

More auto industry bankruptcies loom… plea by struggling auto parts makers for $8 billion to $10 billion in additional federal loan guarantees was turned down by the Obama administrations auto task force last week.


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