How long would you be able to borrow your own money from yourself and pay interest on the money to someone else? A simple question. How long? That is exactly what we the people have been doing since the creation of the First Central Bank of the United States created by Alexander Hamilton that involved George Washingtons blessings and personal profits.

Andrew Gause, our money man in residence at One Radio Network explains why the destruction of capital is in the best interests of those creating and profiting from fiat currency. And fiat currency is the only “capital” America has to “solve” this economic crisis. Listen and hear Mr. Gauses thoughts on a variety of topics, including: When is the best time to refinance the home? Why a down market benefit the big banks long term?

Also, towards the end of the show Andrew Gause explains “Special Drawing Rights” the Powers That Be gave themselvs after WWI, unknown to most, yet a power that The IMF and International Bank of Settlements have. And guess who owns the IMF and IBS? Right. The same people who own everything else, including The Federal Reserve Banks.

'Take Over The Fed & Create Our Own Money – Andrew Gause 02.28.09' has no comments

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